Sebastian Michealis X Fem! Foreign! Reader

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No. I do not love her.

That's what I told myself, after meeting Y/N L/N.

As a butler of the Phantomhive household, I have no time for love. It was a amusing human emotion and social mechanic. Something I watch mortals and contracts alike blame for their child-like sins, which would eventually spiral into their demise.

Busy with my Young Master, the other servants of the household, the chores of my own, I had absolutely no interest in requiring a ' one true love ' or ' soulmate ', as humans call it. This was a pretty lie humans idiotically idolize and praise.

But, I suppose not all humans are like this...


... What ever is the matter with me? A simple mortal human is driving me mad...

" Sebastian! Are you ignoring me?! " Snapped the young master, bringing me to my senses. Currently I stand in the lord's study, listening to him rant on and on and on...

Things like this get rather boring, believe it or not.

It's a good thing you humans are so, predictable.

" Why of course, My Lord. " I smoothly reply, ​​​​​the words leaving my lips like honey dripping fresh out of it's hive. " You were quite rightfully displaying your concern for tonight's ball, especially for the duke. He'll be wanting to visit his daughter. "

Lord Phantomhive's cheeks dusted a light hue of pink at the mentor of the duke's daughter, which was hilarious. " Don't get cocky, Sebastian. Now go check on the stupid garden ball preparations. " Ciel snapped, dismissing his butler with a wave. " That's an order. ".

" Yes my Lord. " I calmly reply, bowing slightly as I do. Turning to leave, I take note to check the Phone Directory for gravel purchase. ' Finnian has probably has destroyed the gardens by now... '.

" Sebastian? " I hear a confident, feminine voice behind me. I feel myself smile as I know who it is in an instant. " Yes, Lady Y/N? " I ask, turning to face her. Her arms where crossed, she was in her F/C dress. She looked somewhat concerned, but a glint within her deep pools of E/C said otherwise. " Sebastian, do you need any help? " The foreign girl asked politely, keeping her gaze to my blood red gaze. I offer her my genuine smile. " Really, My Lady, you always concern about other's well being. " I passively state. " Is that so wrong? " She croons, coming to my side as we walk through the aged manor. " I believe it's common where your from? " I pretend to ask, raising one of my eyebrows. I already know much about her country, I've visited it much in my long life.

" They're concerned and such in my homeland, but we cannot speak up. " She replies sadly, a frown on her features. Her gaze is a mixed emotion of annoyed, pissed off, and saddened. I myself chuckle lightly. " I myself can't imagine you ever followed those rules yourself. " It was half - true, I smelt it in her soul. It was so strong, I was suprised myself a demon hadn't tried to steal her strong, independent, been-through-hell-and-back-yet-pure soul. Her gaze meets mine as I look down to her as we walk. The foreign girl returned the chuckle, her E/C gaze smiling.

As we walk through the manor in conversation, she suddenly seemed upset. " Are you alright, My Lady? " I arch one of my eyebrows, my crimson gaze boreing into her E/C.

" ...Mr. Sebastian? " She croons, finally meeting my gaze once more.

" Yes Madam? " I reply, tone reassuring. Funny how humans are so fragile.

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