Chapter two

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Brian May woke up with a groan.

He sat up and looked around, slightly confused as to where he was. Then, the events of last night came into his mind. "Oh yes. That's right. The other and I freaking time traveled into a different universe!!" He thought. Then, it wasn't till now that Brian noticed that John was waking up. "Morning, Deakey." Brian said, getting up from the bed. "Ugh. Brian, What happened?" John asked as he looked around the room. "And where are we?" He asked. "Do you want the long version or the short version?" Brian asked.

"As much as I don't want it, the long version please." John said. "Okay. But can we at least get some breakfast first?" Brian asked. "Fine." John said, standing up. They both walked out the door, and John noticed the MTP. "What's that?" He asked. "Tell you later on. Anyways, I should warn you that the woman that took us in, Phillis, she has a-"

"AHHH!!!! THERE'S A BEAR IN THE THEATER!!!!" Freddie's voice was heard.

"Shit." Brian muttered and ran down the stairs, followed by John. "Calm down Fred! Karen won't hurt you." Brian said as they reached not only Freddie and Karen, but Roger as well. "It has a name?!" Roger asked. "Oh god! Freddie wasn't joking?!" John asked. "Everyone calm yourselves! First of all, yes Roger, the bear has a name. Second, she won't hurt you." Brian said. "And how do you know that?!" Roger asked. "Well. She didn't eat you last night." Brian said. "Okay. Brian, we believe you." John said. "So. What exactly happened last night?" Freddie asked, getting an apple.

So, with a huff, Brian explained everything to his band mates and told them what Phillis told him. Once he was done, Brian looked at each of them. Freddie's mouth was slightly dropped, dropping a piece of apple that in his mouth. Roger just stared at him. And John, sweet innocent John, only said: "What the actual hell?" "Well, that's official the weirdest thing I have ever heard of." Freddie said. "Hang on. We time traveled, AND, we're in a different universe?" Roger asked. Brian nodded. "Well. In that case." Roger said as he began running around the room, screaming, and was then followed by John. Brian looked at Freddie. "How come you're not freaking out?" He asked. "Oh I am. Just on the inside. I don't want to make my health worse than it is by running." Freddie said. Brian nodded.

"Oh yes. You have AIDS, correct?" Phillis asked, popping out of the ceiling. The band jumped in surprise. "Morning Phillis." Brian said. "So. This is the lady that took us in. And the one that owns a bear?" Roger asked. "Yes. I Phillis." She said. "Hang on. How did she knew I have AIDS?" Freddie asked. "From what I can concur, Phillis know all. Right?" Brian asked the woman. Phillis nodded. "That's creepy." John said. "Anyways. Phillis needs favor from band." Phillis said. "What is it?" Freddie asked. "Need some of you to pick up part time heroes from school." She said.

"Woah, woah. Hang on. These part time heroes are children?!" Roger asked. "Don't worry. They're high school students." Phillis said. "Ugh. Fine, I'll go." Brian said. "Anyone wanna join me?" He asked. "I'll go with you." Roger said. "Alright. Car now has gas. Go over there by 2." She said. Brian and Roger nodded. "What time is it?" John asked. "It's 11:30." Freddie asked. "Okay. Let's just wait." Brian said.

"How much longer?" Roger asked, looking out the window. He and Brian were already at the school, waiting for the three kids to come out. Brian was at the driver seat, while Roger was in the passenger seat. "Just a minute." Brian said. "You said that a fucking minute ago!" Roger said impatiently. Just after that, the bell rang. "You were saying." Brian said with a smirk.

The two noticed a bunch of students leave the school. "Where are they?" Roger asked. "Okay. Phillis said that one of them is a boy with red curly hair and blue eyes." Brian said. "Over there!" The blonde drummer said, pointing at the boy Brian describe. Brian bumped his fist in the center of the wheel to gain the boy's attention. The boy looked up and Roger gave him the peace sign. The boy smiled and motioned an Asian girl and a portly boy to follow him. They came over to the car and Brian undid the lock.

"Welcome abroad, tiny children!" Roger said. Brian raised an eyebrow. "Tiny children? Really?" "What? That something Freddie would say." Roger said. Brian turned to look at the trio. "I apologize about Roger. He's weird." He said. "Say the guy who refuses to cut his hair!" Roger argued as Brian began driving. "I am not cutting my hair, Roger! Never! I will always have my curls!!" Brian said. He looked at the rear window to see that the redhead was literally trying not to laugh while the other two were already laughing. "Not. Losing. Challenge." The boy said. Oh Brian was so going to break the kid. "Also Roger, you're the guy who wrote a love song about a car!" Brian said. That did it for the redhead teen. "He did what?!" He asked between his laughter. "It's true! Wanna Listen to it?" Roger asked. "Kids. Don't encourage Roger!!" Brian said. "Sorry sir. But now we have to!" The portly boy said, still laughing.

Roger leaned over to put his car song. "What are your names, by the way?" Brian asked. "The name's Penn Zero. These are Sashi Kobayashi and Boone Wiseman." The redhead said while trying not laugh. "Alright. I'm Brian May. And the idiot beside me is Roger Taylor." Brian said. "Sush, Bri! My song's starting." Roger said. "The machine of a dream, such a clean machine. With the pistons a pumpin', and a hubcaps all gleam. When I'm holding your wheel, all I hear is your gear. With my hand on you grease gun." "With my hand on your grease gun?" Penn asked incredulously. "It's a metaphor, Zero!" Roger said. "Trust me. I don't get it either." Brian said. He then looked at the blonde. "Can't believe you convinced us to put that in the B track of the album." He said.

"Wait. How did Roger convince you guys?" Sashi asked. "He locked himself in the cupboard and refused to come out till we agreed." Brian said. "Seriously Roger. Just what exactly are you doing with that car? It just sounds a bit weird." Boone said. "That's what I said." Brian said. "You guys are weird. I like that." Penn said with a smirk. "Trust me, Penn. You want weird? You meet Freddie. He's the king of weird in our band." Roger said and began singing the rest of 'I'm in Love With My Car' out loud, causing the trio to laugh, and Brian to let out a groan. "This will be a long car ride." He muttered.

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