Chapter four

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The band walked into the theater.

"Hey Phillis. What do you need?" John asked. "Sit down." She said. The band sat down in a row behind the trio. "Now. Today we are doing something different. We will watch mission." Phillis then turned her attention to the band. "You four. Need you to give criticisms along the way." "So, we basically commentate throughout the whole thing?" Roger asked. The woman nodded. "Hang on! Since we are somewhat watching a movie, I will be right back with snacks." Freddie said, rushing out of the room.

"Oh! That sounds great, yeah, but I have an important report due for tomorrow. And I gotta...yeah." Penn said, getting up and began walking away. Only to be stopped by Phillis, causing the redhead to jump. "And What exactly is this report about?" John asked, the band knowing full well that the boy was trying to get out of here. "Science. And life. You know, home ick." Penn said. "Okay, I wasn't that bright in high school. But I know that those two don't relate at all." Roger said. "Yeah. Ask Brian. He has a major on Astrophysics." John said. The trio's jaws dropped to the floor. "Also, why leave an important report till the last minute?" Brian asked.

Penn groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine! My science life ick report can wait." He said, sitting down. Brian, Roger, and John smirked at each other. Boone then raised his hand. "Uh. Miss Phillis. My mom is making her famous meatloaf tonight. It's made the cover of Beef World magazine 3 times." He said, holding out a magazine. "Your loaf of meat will wait." Phillis said, jumping over to the MTP.

That was when Freddie came in with a cart of snacks. "Fred, isn't that a bit to much?" Brian asks. "Absolutely not!" Freddie said. The band began to grab snacks that were from their world. "Coke?" Roger asked, offering the redhead a drink. Penn raised an eyebrow. "Coca Cola?" He asked. "Trust us. It's actually pretty good." John said. Penn shrugged and took the bottle and took a sip. His eyes immediately widened. "Wow! This is good! A bit sugary, but okay." Penn said. Once everyone was okay, Phillis played the video. "We watch from start." She said.


The scene opens with the camera pointing at Penn, who was dressed as someone very familiar to the band. "Oh my god! Penn's Indiana Jones!" Freddie said. "Who?" Sashi asked. "Famous movie character in our world." Brian said. "What do you say lads? Drinking game? A sip for every reference to Indiana Jones?" Roger asked. The band nodded. "So, a sip now?" John asked. "Yep." The band took a sip from their drinks. "Also. They couldn't give him the scar on the chin." Roger complained. "Wait. What?" Penn asked, kind of worried. "Nothing. Tell you later on." Brian said. "Resume the film, darling!" Freddie said.

Penn: Okay, Sash. Check the specks

(The Scene then goes to a shot of the trio)

"Hey! Sashi looks like Marion!" Brian said. "But who is Boone supposed to be?" Freddie asked. "Well, according to an article I read about the new Indiana Jones film, there's this new character named Sala, who looks like Boone's character." John said. "Deaky, you really like these movies, eh?" Roger asked. John nodded.

Sashi: Alright. Our mission is to return the idol back to the temple or else the entire jungle will go down with the temple.

(Penn takes out idol)

Penn: Okay. Let's get down to business!

Boone: I hope you don't actually get down to business! (He laughs)

"Not too sure if that was funny of terrible." Brian said. "Yeah." John said.

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