Chapter nine

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"So. Let me get this straight: these two, along with their friend, travel throughout the multiverse to basically protect it. All of you got here from a vortex created by their boss, a Slavic woman. And if these kids fail to be heroes, then the multiverse is doomed as we know it. Did I get all of that correct?" Paul asked.

"Yes. You got all of that correct." Penn said. "In that case." He said, before grabbing a paper bag and began screaming in it. John patted Paul in the back. "There, there. It doesn't sound that bad." He said. "What do you mean?! We could die any second if these kids fail!! We could be dead!!" George said. Ringo saw both worried looks from Penn and Sashi. "Uhh. No pressure." He said meekly. "Thanks." Penn said, wrapping an arm around Sashi, who leaned into the embrace. "Dang it. Now I ship it." John whispered to Freddie, who chuckled softly.

"Huh. They're playing Rainy Days and Mondays and it's a Monday. The irony." Ringo said. "That's actually a really pretty voice." Sashi said. "That's Karen Carpenter for you." George said, before pounding his chest and throwing the peace sign in the air. "Rest in peace, darling." He said. "What?! For how long? And why?" Penn asked. "Ever since '83. And she died from a eating disorder." George said. Both teens gulped. "Note to self. Treat body well." Sashi said, a bit horrified about hearing of what happened to Karen. "Same." Penn said.

They eventually arrived at the Odyssey. "Finally. Can't wait to see what weird shit will happen today." Roger said, stepping out of the other car, as both Mary and Jim said that they had to buy stuff and they had to leave. "Hey. What is the most weird thing you've seen at this point?" Paul asked. "At this point. I'm not entirely sure, Paul." Penn said. "Yeah. We've seen a lot of weird stuff." Sashi said as they all entered the theater. After quickly introducing the Beatles to Boone and Phillis, the trio went to the warp pad. "Uh, Phillis? What's up with the black void that might lead to absolute darkness and possible death?" Penn asked, looking at the pitch black screen in front of him. "Nothing. You'll see. Good luck." Phillis said, zapping the three kids in.

"Queen and Beatles follow me." Phillis said. The two bands followed the woman. "Do you think we should tell her that we've broken up the band?" Ringo asked Paul. "Darling, from what I saw, Phillis knows all about us. It will probably be the same for you." Freddie said. "Well that's not creepy at all." John said sarcastically. "You tell me." Deaky said. "I heard that!" Phillis said. "Sorry!" Both Johns apologized. They all eventually stopped at a table with 8 chairs and 8 microphones in front of them. "Here you will communicate with part time heroes."

"Since when did we agree to do this?" George asked. "Well George. You want to live, right? Then go on a take a seat. Thank you very much." Brian said. Everyone laughed except George and they all took their seats. Sitting from left to right were: Freddie, John, Brian, George, Roger, Ringo, Deaky and Paul. "Wow. It's like being in another press conference." Roger said. Brian rapped on his microphone. "Testing, testing. 1,2,3." He said. "Can you hear us?" Ringo asked. "Yes." Penn's voice was heard, but he wasn't talking. He was singing. "Um. Why are you singing?" John asked. "I don't know." Sashi said, actually singing as well. "Why am I singing?" She asked. "Why are we singing?" The two teens asked.

"Wait. I think we're in a world where feelings are expressed by song." Penn sang. "Hang on. Turn on the lights." Freddie said. The lights were turned on, and Penn was revealed to be wearing a dress. And Sashi was dressed as a knight. In other words, they switched genders. Both bands roared in laughter upon seeing this. Well, except John. "I don't get it." He said. Phillis showed him a photo of Queen for their 'I Want to Break Free' video. Now John was laughing as well. "Okay! I get it!" He said between his laughter. "Oh how I want to break free!" Freddie yelled. "I can make so many jokes about this." Roger said.

"Guys! Can we please go back to this?" Sashi asked in a singing tone. "Okay. You're right, dear. What's the mission?" Deaky asked. "We need to save the Queen before she's turned into stone." Sashi said. "This is so Disney." Paul said. "What?" Penn asked. "Long story. Anyways we must find Boone." Brain said. "Okay then. Let the Disney-ness begin." Freddie said. One song about girls and tomboys later, Penn, or as Queen dubbed him for this occasion, Penny, nearly fell of the tower window by mistake. Luckily, Sashi, or Ashi, caught the princess. "Okay. Where's Boone?" Penny asked in a singing voice. "Right here." Boone said. He too was now a girl. He looked like to be the Fairy Godmother. "I dub Boone, Bonnie!" Ringo said.

Back In Time( A Queen/ Penn Zero: Part Time Hero Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now