Nomination!!!(Not A Chapter)

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The Part Time Hero trio walk in the living room to see Me, The Beatles, Mary, Jim, Phillis and Queen having a party.

John: Hey! You made it!!

Penn: Yeah. What's going on?

Roger: Our Story has been nominated for the 2019 Watty Awards!!!

The trio gasp in shock.

Sashi: Are you serious?!

George: Yes, we are serious!!

The trio cheer.

Boone: Wait. Where are Rippen and Larry?

Deacy: Mari invited them, but they declined for some reason.

Me: This is what I get for being nice to them.

Freddie: I bet they're having lots of fun in bed.

The trio and Me blush.

The others: Freddie!!

Freddie: What? Those two will like each other. We all know it!

Ringo: Yes, But that was highly inappropriate.

Brian: It's Freddie, don't question it.

Sashi: Where are Karen and Prince?

Paul: They're on their way here. They promised to bring sushi.

Everyone cheers.

Me: Yeah. But anyways, thank you to everyone in this room. Without all your commitments for this project, this could have never been done.

Freddie: It's no problem, darling.

Penn: Yeah. But none of this wouldn't have been possible without that great brain of yours. You brought us all together.

Mary: He's right. You're the one who should get all the applause.

Jim raises glass: To Mari!

Everyone else does the same: To Mari!

Me: Thank you guys!! Really.

Prince and Karen then enter with sushi.

Prince: Are we too late?

Phillis: No. Just on time.

Karen and Prince ser food down.

Karen: Thanks for inviting us, Mari. Even though we haven't been her for a while.

Me: No problem! But I don't deserve all the credit. It took all of us to make this story work. And we made various friendships, or in some cases, relationships.

Penn and Sashi blush.

Me: But, wether we win or lose the award, we can all be happy that we have it our best shot.

Me raises glass: To Us!

Everyone else does the same: To us!!

Me, Freddie, and Penn then turns to the fourth wall.

Me: And thank you, our fans.

Freddie: Without you, this could have never happened.

Penn: We are forever grateful of you all.

Me, Penn, and Freddie: See you all later!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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