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"Kurumi,be a good girl at the hospital while i'm gone,okay?" Said Mrs Kurumi while holding her daughter's hand

Kurumi nods.

The doctor then leads them to a specialized patient wards.These wards are given individually to specialized patients.Kurumi looks around the room and sighed.

"Mummy when you go home later,can you take my book that i left on my desk in my room?" Asked Kurumi bluntly.Mrs Kusanagi replied with an "Okay"

After setting down everything in the room,Mrs Kusanagi excused herself to go home to pick up some of Kurumi's necessities.She told Kurumi to take a rest as her fever hasn't gone down yet.

Kurumi lays down on the white bed as her eyes are slowly closing.The fever are draining her energy,she feels weak.

-In the middle of the night at the hospital-

Kurumi woke up with a yawn as she stretches herself on the bed.The sleep gave her a big headache though.She looked at the small table beside her bed,her book is there.Probably her mother came and placed it there for her.Kurumi's gaze turned towards the window.

"It's a full moon" said Kurumi as she gazes upon the majestic full moon.Kurumi stood up from her bed and walked towards the window.The midnight wind is so chilling yet calming.Kurumi feels at ease.Then,Kurumi notices a boy at the hospital's courtyard.He was sitting on the bench enjoying the night.Curious,Kurumi ran downstairs towards the courtyard.

"Uh...." said Kurumi as she arrives in front of the boy.The boy was shocked for a moment.

"Ouh,Kusanagi-san.What are you doing here?" He asked as his gazed turned towards her.

"I..had to stay for a treatment" she answered.She asked for a seat and the boy politely hunched to the side and gave a her a space to seat on the bench.
Both of them bathed themselves under the rays of the full moon together.

"It's beautiful right?" said Eis as the moon reflected on his gorgeous pair of eyes.Kurumi nods.The night felt peaceful with the blissful presence of the full moon.

"Did you know,they say that there's rabbits on the moon making mooncakes? Isn't it cute?" Said Eis while letting out a small laugh.Kurumi giggled and says that's impossible.Eis grinned and says "Why don't we go to the moon and prove who's right then?".Kurumi laughed hearing upon the statement but she's also curious.

"Yes,we should go there one day" said Kurumi as she gaze at the moon.

Slowly,Kurumi's eyes starting to get heavy as she slowly falling asleep.She had her head on top of Eis's shoulder.Eis was shocked by this sudden demeanor as his face became flushed but upon realizing Kurumi was asleep he calmed down and smiled.

"Jeez falling asleep here would make you catch a cold you know" he said.Eis slowly had Kurumi on his back and piggyback her towards her ward.

The next morning,Kurumi was surprised as she realized she was on her bed."Did Eis carried me here??" These thoughts won't stop running in her mind. Suddenly a nurse came in greeting Kurumi with a smile.She brought her a breakfast.Kurumi thanked her for doing so.Before leaving,she asked the nurse for Eis's ward.

"Umm...did you happened to know a patient named Eis?? If so,can i know where is his ward??" Kurumi asked shyly while eating her breakfast.The nurse happily replied that his ward was on the 2nd wing.Kurumi thanked her again for the information.

After having her breakfast,Kurumi quietly snucked out of her ward and went towards the 2nd wing.She was looking for Eis to thank him for carrying her.While walking around the hallway searching for a ward with his name on it,she saw Eis himself sitting on the bench at the hallway.Kurumi walks towards him and greeted him.

"G-good morning" said Kurumi with a shy undertone.Eis was shocked seeing Kurumi by herself and suddenly greeting him even so,he replied the greeting.

"Kusanagi-san,good morning!What brings you here all the way to 2nd wing?? I thought your ward was at the 1st wing?" Asked Eis towards Kurumi.

"I-i want to thank you..for carrying me to my bed last night.." Kurumi replied with a hint of redness on her soft white cheeks.Eis smiled and replied it was nothing.After saying what was needed Kurumi quickly tries to walk back towards her ward.Before being able to do so,Eis stopped her.

"Hey Kusanagi-san,would you mind giving me a bit of your time by accompanying me to the hospital's garden?" Asked Eis smiling again.Kurumi looks back and nod.
Eis wanted to know Kurumi better despite her shyness and quiet personality.Eis never had a friend before nor wanting to even have one but being with Kurumi gives him a sense of warmth and security in his heart.

At the garden,Kurumi was shocked seeing the amount of flowers planted at the garden.Her violet eyes lit up seeing such beautiful flowers surrounding her.Eis smiled at the sight of seeing her happily surrounding herself with flowers.

"Beautiful isn it?" Said Eis while looking around the garden. Kurumi nods happily.Kurumi is very fond of flowers ever since she was a child.She loves them very much to the point she even had books of encyclopedias about flowers.Then Kurumi's pair of violet eyes diverted towards a particular flower.The flower is white in colour with lots of petals.She recognized what flower it was.

"Q-queen of the night.." said Kurumi as she gaze at the rare flower.For some reason,looking at the flower gave her a sense of tightness in her heart.She feels sad gazing upon the flower.Unknowingly,tears started to flow from her violet eyes.Eis noticed her sudden change of behavior dashed towards her.

"Hey what's wrong?! Did you hurt yourself or what??" Asked Eis with panic and worry painted on his face.Kurumi quickly wiped her tears and said it was nothing.Eis saw her attention was at the Queen of The Night.Suddenly Kurumi spoke up.

"Did you know,this flower only blooms once a year and only during the night?" Said Kurumi as her hand carefully carassed the precious flower.Eis was surprised knowing such a rare flower growing at the hospital's garden but he was even more worried about why Kurumi was crying by looking at such flower.

"Eis-san,i never told you this but i always thought i don't deserve any happiness in this world..i couldn't feel anything all i could i feel is this sense of sorrow in my heart.I burdened my mother a lot so i had to fake my expressions despite my heart being icy cold." Said Kurumi with sadness reflected on her eyes.Upon hearing her confession,Eis quickly grabbed her hand towards the other side of the garden.Eis brought Kurumi to the specific side of the garden when one particular type of flower are grown at.The flowers look like a bird and are very colourful.Kurumi didn't get what Eis was trying to do.

"Kusanagi-san,did you know what this flowers are called?" Asked Eis.Kurumi stared at the flowers for a while and realized something.It's the flower her grandmother once said to her.It's The Bird of Paradise.The flower that symbolize happiness and joy.

"I think,you deserved all the happiness in the world,Kusanagi-san.You said your heart was icy cold but from all the time i spent so far with you,what i felt was warmth not coldness."Said Eis smiling why his gazed locked towards Kurumi.Salty tears started to form in Kurumi's eyes.No one ever said that to her not even her mother.That's all the words she needed to hear all this time.She doesn't need medications nor treatments but the right words to encourage her about herself.Kurumi fell on her knees and starts crying.Eis kneeled down and patted her head.Eis's words finally made Kurumi's frozen time finally melt.

That morning,they spent some precious time together.Time that is enough to fill an eternity

"Eis,why are your hands very cold all the time?" Asked Kurumi suddenly.

Author's Note
Sorry for the late update.I was having a difficult time about what to write and a bit busy.Here's the new chapter though,hope you enjoy!

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