Chapter 5

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It was in the middle of the day and Rye wanted to talk to me. He looked guilty...I wonder why. (Oh little do you know that he is gonna leave ya for fovvs) We went to the park and we sat down on swings swinging back and forth in a comfortable silence.

"Something is bothering you. Whats wrong? You can tell me babe." I finally broke the silence. "We should break up..." Rye said not making eye contact. My heart sank. Is he joking? I laughed. "Nice prank you cant fool me" I said and kissed his cheek and looked at him pulling away. I stopped smiling when I saw him looking into my eyes with a serious face. "You are serious.." I said sighing.

"Im so sorry the spark just isnt there anymore...but Andy.." He said but got interrupted by me standing up and looking at him. "ITS ALWAYS ABOUT ANDY! ANDY THIS ANDY THAT! NOW YOU ARE LEAVING ME FOR HIM!" I yelled tears falling from my eyes. "Im sorry..." Rye said.

"AM I NOT GOOD ENOUGH!? IS IT THAT IM UGLY I CAN WEAR MORE MAKEUP OR FAT I CAN GO ON A DIET OR SOMETHING OR IM BROKEN NO ONE CAN FIX THAT!" I yelled and collapsed on the ground and brought my legs up to my chest hugging them. I broke down in tears and felt a strong pair of arms wrapping around me.


I let her go after a little and wiped her tears. "Im sorry..." Is all I can say. "Its fine Ill be okay..." She answered fake smiling. I helped her up and we walked home. We got inside and I was instantly attacked by kisses from Andy. He stopped and stared into my eyes his arms wrapped loosely around my neck and mine resting on his waist. "Someone missed me" I said smirking. He just smiled and kissed me. I kissed back passionatly. I could get used to this again. I could go on forever but sadly humans need air. We pulled away panting. We smiled at each other and we sat down on the couch. "Yo guys my friends are coming over soon. Behave and yes they like eachother but dont say ANYTHING! Got it?" Mikey asked. "1) Dont ever say yo again. 2)Yes mum" I said jokingly. Me and Andy giggled while Mikey rolled his eyes.


We heard the doorbell ring and Mikey came running down the stairs yelling. "THEY ARE HERE I REPEAT THEY ARE HERE!" He yelled panicking. "You dont have to yell" I heard my angel say. Mikey fixed his hair and clothes. "Its like you are meeting your boyfriends parents for the first time." Maya said jokingly coming down the stairs looking like a mess with her hair in a messy bun, her eyes red and puffy, her face stained with tears, a blanket wrapped around her, and wearing sweats and a long shirt filled with food stains. Poor Maya. Mikey rolled his eyes at his sister.

Maya grabbed a tub of ice cream and a big spoon and went back to her room. (ME! Im glad I made myself apart of this story. This part is the real me 😂) Mikey finally opened the door to be welcomed by hugs. He smiled and hugged back then pulled away. "Hey guys!" Mikey said smiling. They all said hi at the same time. He let them in and they all sat down on the other couch while me Andy and Mikey sat on the other. "This is Rye and Andy" Mikey introduced us to the mystery boys. We smiled and said hi. "This is Jack, Brooklyn, and Harvey...."
Guys! BROOKIE JACK AND HARVEY ARE IN THE STORY NOW! I hope you like this chapter. Comment follow and vote!
Ily little munchkins❤

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