15K 658 190

Hyung what's
wrong with me?

Your whole
existence is wrong
Taehyung, but I am
sure you didn't meant


I was about to
sleep so this better
be important.

I am questioning
about my sexuality.

What made you
do that?

Before you answer,
I will call you cause
I am too lazy to type.

Yoongs hyung is calling...
Accept | Decline

- Okay. Now speak Tae.

- It started a week ago hyung.

- Wait. Is it about this university boy you've been texting with?

- Yeah.

- Tell me. What about him?

- It's just weird. I mean, when he texts me I smile, like I've been waiting for him to text me. And the last time we texted he told me that the problem is that I am not falling for him and I typed without thinking it "you don't know that". I didn't send it though. I just don't know why I texted such a thing. I mean, I did because I wanted to give him hopes or because I...? Hyung help me.

- The smiling part could be because you enjoy his company. The text part, probably you wanted to give him hopes.

- I hope so hyung.

- If you are gay you must find girls unattractive though...

- I don't.

- You also could be bi...

- Eww gross. I was considering only being gay but after our talk I don't think so.
(edit: y'all keep coming for me, i thought it would be clear by niw but its not so, I AM NOT IMPLYING THAT ANY SEXUSLITY IS GROSS I LONE AND SUPPORT YOU)

- If you still have doubts, you could meet him in real life. You will for sure understand your feelings towards him.

- Okay. I will do that.Thank you Yoongi hyung.

- Anytime Taehyung-ssi.

Call ended...

Hey Gukk.

Okay. You texted
first. Something is
going on...

Everything is
fine Gukk.

Okay then.

So, what's up?

Do you remember
when you asked me
to meet each other

Of course hyung!

I think that it's
a good idea.


Look at the big step Taehyung did. Uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

Vkook Texting [k.th, j.jk]✔Where stories live. Discover now