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Taehyung's perspective;

As soon a I stopped texting Jeongguk I went running to my car, wanting to get to him as soon as possible so as to get him before he does something stupid.

I just hope no one sees Jeongguk entering my house when we get back, it won't end good, for sure.

~Magical time skip~

When I reached at the club, I saw people outside looking way to drunk, some of them were passed out. But no sign of Jeongguk outside.

I'll call him.

Hello! This is Jeonggukie hahah that sounded weird. Anyway, probably I am busy right now, leave me a voice mail..!

Damn it. I guess I will go inside.

Just when I was about to go inside, Jeongguk came outside, crying.

I grabbed him by his hand and dragged him in my car. He was still crying silently. He was avoiding eye contact with me, which made me more worried than I already was.

"Kookie-ah what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" I asked while hugging him as much as I could since we were inside the car.

"H-hyung a-am I a thr-threat to the hum-man kin-nd?" He asked while looking at me, stuttering because of his sobs.

"What? Why would you say that Kookie?" I asked him and started driving since people were looking weird at us.

"A ma-an tol-told me s-so."

"That's why you are crying?"

"Ye-yeah. He sa-aid tha-at I should d-die beca-cause I am g-gay."

"Don't listen to people like him, okay? You are not a threat or whatever this asshole said, and if someone thinks the opposite, the will have to do with me." After I said that he looked at me, stopped crying and gave me his cute bunny smile.

"Hyung that meant a lot to me. Can we fuck when we get to your house?"

"I forgot you were drunk."

"Pfffft just because I drunk way to much doesn't make me drunk hyung."

"Whatever you say."

The rest of the ride remained silent. Taehyung was focused on the road while Jeongguk was passed out due to the amount of alcohol he had taken.

"We are here." I said and turn my head to see Jeongguk who was still passed out. I went out of the car and open the door of the side he was.

"Jeongguk-ssi, it's time to wake up, we are here." I said shaking him gently trying to wake him up.

"I am tired hyung~" He said in a whisper. He wasn't going to get up on his own.

I helped him getting out of the car. As soon he got out he fell on the ground but I luckily held him before that happens.

"I can't walk hyung, help me~" He sounded so desperate for my help. I felt a weird warmth inside my chest. What am I talking about now?! Taehyung, focus.

I didn't reply to him. I lifted him up bridal style. God, he is so heavy. What does he eat?! He smiled at me. Cute. As soon as I entered the house Jeongguk jumped off my hands and started running in front of me.

"Jeongguk what the fu-"

"I just wanted to see if you care for me hyung! Applause the actor Jeon Jeongguk!" When he finished his sentence he started bowing. After two times of bowing, he run to a different spot. He was yelling 'Good job actor Jeongguk!' . He did that for three times and I couldn't hold my laugh anymore.

"Yah! Hyung is so mean to me! He needs to stop laughing at me! My fans, go get him!" He started running towards me.

"Jeongguk, cut it out. I am not playing your games."

"Kookie is sad." He pouted

"Let's get you to sleep."

"Won't you bath me first hyung?"

"Uh I think uh that uh you are super clean, let's go."

"Are you blushing hyung?"

"Shut up. I have 5 more bedrooms, you can choose one to sleep Jeongguk."

"Can I sleep with you hyung? I am drunk."

"Just because you are drunk I don't want you to sleep with me."

"But you brought me here to take care of meeeeeee!"

"You ain't sleeping with me."



"What were we talking about TaeTae hyung?"

"Are you kidding me?!"

"I can't remember. I AM HUNGRYYYYYY." And just like that he started running, heading to the kitchen.

"Jeongguk stop right now!"


"Go to sleep."

"I want food."

"Fine. What do you want me to make you...?"


"Sit in the couch over there watch TV or something while I am making them, okay?"

"Sure thing hyung!"

~Magical time skip~

"Jeongguk! Come here!"

No answer. I will go check up on him.

"Jeon wake the fuck up right fucking now."

"Yeah yeah I am awake hyung."

"Come and eat then."

"What? I am not going to eat I am not hungry."

"Then why the fuck you made me cook for you?!"

"I am drunk, you shouldn't do everything I say to you."

"This kid for fucks sake-"

"Taehyung hyung, language."

"Go. To. Sleep. Now."

"Jeez okay daddy~"

"Stop smirking at me you horny child."

"Ouch, those words hurt my dick."

"How the fuck- You know what? I don't care. Let's get you to sleep. Come here." I gave him my hand which he took.

"You stay in this room, okay Kookie?"

"No hyung don't leave me alone!"

"Ugh, why?"

"I don't have my teddy bear, I am scared."


Love you guys 😍😍💘💘 I (j)hope you liked this chapter ♥♥♥
Also, 934 words (((:

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