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3rd person's perspective;

"...So why are you dating her?" Jeongguk asked not knowing from where he got confidence.

"I uh I guess I never got over her..." Taehyung said, avoiding eye contact with the younger, as if he was ashamed for it.

"I don't thinkshelikesyouhyung." Jeongguk said the last part quickly, instantly regretting opening his mouth.

"Huh?" The older frowned not understanding what the younger said.


"Jeongguk-ah you clearly said something..."

"It was nothing important, really."

"Tell me." Taehyung demanded.

"F-fine. I said that... Your girlfriend doesn't seem to like you very much..." He said almost whispering but loud enough for the other to hear.

"Why would you say that Jeon?"

"I mean, the look in her eyes, she doesn't see only you in them like lovers do..."

"Why I think that you want us to break up because you like me Jeongguk?"

"No hyung! It's not that. I know that you will never be with me, *sigh* but I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt twice from the same girl."

"I don't know Kookie..."

"Hyung, why did you break up on the first place?"

"She didn't like me..." Taehyung said almost whispering.

"What do you think changed now? And the way she acted in the car? It seemed  suspicious to me... But it's your choice if you trust me or her TaeTae hyung... *sigh* "

"You think that she is using me again?" The older said, the sadness could be clearly seen in his face.

"I think so, but again, it's your decision on who you will trust hyung."

"I will trust you Jeongguk, I will break up with her and I will never do something with her again."


Uwu also, thank you all so so much for reading my book!!!

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