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QUICK A/N; GUYS you need to check this account named TaegukkiesKookies !!! She has REALLY REALLY good stories to read! Since y'all like taekook you should check her account!! That's it!

Jeongguk's perspective;

"So um, are you two dating?" Asked Jeongguk breaking the awkward silence between the three of them.

"Not exactly.."

That's the answers the young boy got.

"I meant yes..!" The woman corrected herself while chucking awkwardly. Jeongguk thought she sounded disgusted, but he replied nicely anyways.

"You look cute together..." Said the boy but it sounded more like a sad whisper. His dreams of dating Taehyung got torn apart.

"We're here..!" Chae Young screamed and Taehyung being the gentleman he is, went out of the car first to help his girlfriend. While she quickly turned to face the young boy.

"Look kid, Taehyung is nothing that just a puppet of mine, he disgusts me, so don't you dare turning him against me or anything similar. If any of that happens I will kill you with my own hands. Bye sweetie! Let's meet again soon, okay?" Jeongguk was sure that she said the last one just because Taehyung opened the door.

Jeongguk felt awful because this woman was using his Taehyung. Taehyung deserves someone who loves and adores him, not a bitch like her, he thought. He doesn't deserve her. He deserves so much better.

He needs to tell Taehyung that she means no good, right..? But, he doesn't want to lose his friendship...

His thoughts were interrupted by Taehyung's deep voice asking him to join him in the front of the car. Jeongguk accepted the offer and decided to not bring up Taehyung's relationship, for now at least.

"I'm so happy that I met you in real life TaeTae hyung!!!" He said trying to sound as happy as possible and hoping the elder felt the same.

"Same goes for me, bunny." Said Taehyung while giving him a boxy smile and raffling Jeongguk's hair messing it up a bit.

"Yah! Don't treat me like a kid hyung!!" Jeongguk whined and poutted.

"But you are acting like one Jeongguk-ah." Taehyung replied and pinched the younger's cheek.

"Hyung stop!!! I'm almost 21!!!"

"I am sure you meant 12." Said Taehyung while laughing.

~Magical time skip~

At the moment, they were at a hella fancy restaurant eating. Taehyung bought Jeongguk a lot of clothes, from stores the younger wouldn't even dare to walk outside of them.

Then out of the blue, he remembered what Chae Young said to him before. He wanted to learn more about her. How she started talking with Taehyung? Why Taehyung asked her out when he made clear to him that he didn't like someone at the moment...?

"Hyung?" He asked.

"Yes Jeongguk-ah?"

"Why are you dating Chae Young?"


"I mean, you said to me that you didn't like someone and that you didn't want to date someone at the moment. So why are you dating her?" Jeongguk asked not knowing from where he got confidence.


THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and supporting this book!!! <3333

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