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Also, this won't be a texting chapter, I am sorry, I will be describing their meeting.

Two days later, meeting day;

Taehyung started driving to Jeongguk's house. He was super excited. Five minutes passed and he was driving while singing, no scratch that, screaming some song lyrics when he heard the sound of his phone ringing.

He thought it was probably Jeongguk but it got him off guard when he saw that his ex, Chae Young. He hesitated if he should answer her call or not because he knew that something about her was beating still. He knew that talking to her would make him do things he would regret afterwards.

- Um Chae?

- Omg babe! Took you long enough to pick up!

- What did you just cal-

- Babe..?

- No! We aren't together anymore!

- We can be again babe, don't act so stubbornly.

- You used me for my fame only! You never cared about me! When I gave you my everything! (A/n: Guys I love Rosé, I don't want to offend anyone)

- That's a lie! Plus, why would I call you if I didn't care about you, oppa?

- You only care about my fame and money.

- Stop being so difficult. I know you still feel the same about me.

- No. I. Don't.

- Can we meet? Like, right now?

- I am going to meet up with a friend act-

- Don't you dare and REJECT ME! Come to my house, we will talk for a bit. Then we will go together to pick up this friend of yours and you will take me home again.

- No.

- Oppaaa please

- Fine.

Taehyung ended the call feeling already guilty about making Jeongguk wait a bit more when he promised that he would be with him the whole day.

He texted Jeongguk and changed his way to Chae Young's house.

He texted Jeongguk and changed his way to Chae Young's house

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~Magical time skip~

It's been almost two hours since Taehyung texted Jeongguk. The younger had finally stopped crying after realizing that his hyung played with him and his feelings and that he actually wasn't planning on meeting him.

Suddenly Jeongguk's phone screen lit up. Taehyung texted him.

The younger male rushed down the stairs almost tripping in every step

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The younger male rushed down the stairs almost tripping in every step. He opened the main door with a huge smile which soon faded after seen his hyung kissing a girl. He tried to push back his tears and cleaned his throat.

"Jeongguk-ah!!" Said the older male while letting the girl and going to the younger for a hug.

This hug was everything Jeongguk needed. He was frozen at first but soon enough, responded to the hug. He felt like he was hugging his whole world. Taehyung was his world. He finally realized it. He finally could say it out loud, no actually, scream it to the world.

"Hi hyung." Said Jeongguk while pulling away from the hug and immediately looking down to his feet from the embarrassment. He could feel the woman's eyes burning on him.

"Gguk this is Chae Young. We will be dropping her off at her house and then we will go and have fun! Are you okay with that?" Said Taehyung while giving him his famous boxy smile.

"It's fine hyung." Said the younger already regretting it. The idea of him and her in the same car wasn't good. He had a bad feeling about this girl. The way she looked at his Taehyung made it seem like she wasn't interested in him. But maybe, they weren't dating.

Jeongguk could feel his sadness only growing.


I am not happy with how this chapter turned out but oh well...

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