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I woke up some minutes ago, to find out that this book reached 10k reads. I want to thank you all so so much for taking your time to read this book, comment and vote on it. It motivates me so much and helps me continue. ❤❤❤❤

It makes me super happy seeing people actually liking this story, omg thank you guys, I love you so so so so much. ❤❤❤

Also, jungkookieqaseh2000 and _Kim_TaeTaehyung_ I am so sorry for not updating earlier, I had a lot of hours practice yesterday and I couldn't find time to finish this chapter so I finished it this morning. I am so so sorry, I hope you understand, I love you (and all the other readers of course)❤❤❤


Jeongguk's perspective;

Ugh this headache is fucking killing me.

I rubbed my eyes and slightly let them open. Wait, were am I?! This is definitely not my room. I turn around trying to see something familiar but, no. I have never been in this place before. I let a sigh escape my lips while grabbing my hair.

Wait, those ain't my clothes either. What the heck happened yesterday?! I remember going to a club, but I do not remember getting out of it. Oh god, how much did I drink?! I also need to leave from this house, I don't know who lives in here.

Wait, could it possible be his house...? No way, I wouldn't dare texting him while I was in the club.. Oh god. I probably did and said some things I shouldn't.

I dragged myself out of the room trying to make no noise, hoping that I would leave without being caught. I went down the stairs and to the kitchen hoping that nobody would be there.

"Morning Jeongguk." I heard a deep but soft voice which obviously belonged to Taehyung. Fuck.

"Hyung? Are you cooking?"

"Yeah, I will drive you home later don't worry. You are hungry, right?"

"Hyung I am starving. Do you have something to give me for headache by the way? My head is going to explode."

"You will take the pill after you eat. Also, Jimin called you, but since your phone was here I picked up and told him that you are with me."

I nodded and walked over to the table and sat on a chair.



"Did I do something weird yesterday?"

"Uh no. Nothing I can remember of."

"Phew. Did I said something weird though?"

"Uh I don't remember. So uh no."

"Thank god. So, what did I do?"

"You were really tired but I don't know how you were running around the house all the time Jeonggukie."

"You laughed your ass off, didn't you hyung?"

"I laughed a bit, yes. Eat now." He said the first with a smile but it got replaced with a serious face. He placed the plate in front of me. It was waffles, my favorite for breakfast.

"Thank you hyung."


We ate in completely silence. For me this silence was super awkward. Throughout the whole time I was trying to steal some glances of Taehyung. He would caught me every time though and put a smirk on his face. It was hot, I ain't complaining.

"Here, take this pill it will help with the headache." He gave it to me along with a glass of water.

"Do you want to stay, or do you want me to drive you home Kookie?"

"Drive me home please."

"Let me bring you your clothe-"

"No keep them hyung, I will come another time to hang out and take them!"

"Hahah okay. Let's go then."


For the last time in this chapter, thank you so much, I love you ❤❤❤

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