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It's been about 20 minutes since we started searching for a movie to see. Taehyung wanted a thriller while I wanted a romantic one. So, we decided to see an adventure movie.

"Kookie-ah how about this one?" Hyung said and pointed at one.

"Maze runner..?" (A/N; I fucking love this movie series)

"Yeah, it seems cool."

"No no and no. I don't wanna see trapped people not being able to escape-"

"Jeongguk-ssi, don't judge a movie before you even see it! It might be a very nice one!"

"I changed my mind. Let's watch a thriller hyung."

"Aren't you scared of those?"

"Yes I am but you are next to me, right hyung?"

"Yeah yeah right."

"So which one do you recommend TaeTae?"

"Hmm I don't know...how about the rings? Everybody knows it but I haven't seen it yet." (A/N; I watched it yesterday and it was the first one that came to mind lol)

"Isn't that one with the tv girl with black long hair?"

"Yeah that one."

"I am so scared of her hyung! What about something less creepy?"

"Oh come on! I am here. I will hug you if you get scared Jungkookie."

"I uh fine I guess."

It's not even 15 minutes in the movie and I am already scared as hell. I can't tell hyung though. He will think I am a little kid or something.

"WHY THE FUCK SHE NEEDS TO GET OFF OF THE FUCKING TV?! RUN GIRL RUUUUUUUN!" I shouted and closed my eyes. I put my legs up on the couch and buried my face in to my knees.

Suddenly I couldn't hear the tv anymore. I didn't want to lift my head up in case there is a horror scene with no noise. I felt two arms hugging me and bringing me close to the owner of them. Hyung please don't torture me like that. I can't even breathe. I lifted up my head to look at him. He was looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"I am here okay? None of this is real Kookie. If it makes you less scared we can stay like this."

I didn't dare to speak. I just nodded and we continued watching the movie.

~Magical time skip~

Apparently we are still hugging and watching beauty and the beast. It's classic. It's Disney. It's animated and not creepy at all. The movie is about to end though.

How we are watching that movie you ask? Well after the previous movie was over I was so scared and hyung suggested this movie as a joke but I took it to seriously and here we are...

"I never thought I would be watching a Disney movie after I became a teen to be honest Jungkookie."

"It's a nice love story though hyung."

"It's annimate-"

"It doesn't matter. It shows you what sacrifices you would do for your loved one.. Ahh I want that to.."

"Sacrifice something for your loved one?"

"No. I want to be in a relationship with you hyung. My loved one. I want to be able to call you my boyfriend..."

"Good for you."

"Hyung you better be singing Selena Gomez or el-"

"Oh look at the time!" He said and looked at his watch tried to act as if he had to leave.

"No hyung. I ain't pouring my heart out here for you to act like you don't care!"

"I do care okay? It's just that I can't, okay?"

"You can't what?"

"It's complicated Kooks. I gotta go. Thank you for inviting me I had fun, really." He said and left just like that. Okay.. I am totally fine...


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