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I WALKED DOWN THE center aisle towards the orchestra playing on stage

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I WALKED DOWN THE center aisle towards the orchestra playing on stage. Vanya sat in the middle of it all dressed in a black suit and holding her signature violin. A spotlight focused on her when it was time for her solo. She played expertly, her fingers moving over the strings with ease and guiding the bow effortlessly.

For a second, she glanced up at me as she played. Her eyes were still white, but the smallest smile graced her lips. I smiled back at her as a melodic tune echoed inside the theater.

Suddenly, Luther and Diego rushed at Vanya from either side of the stage. She sprung to her feet, and with a single swipe of her bow, a white wave of energy knocked Diego and Luther into the audience and swept over the crowd.

The orchestra stopped playing as the audience got up from their seats. They ran for the exits in a panic, screaming and crying. The orchestra members rose to leave, but Vanya sent out a wave that pushed them so they fell into their seats. The continued to play, and Vanya moved forward to center stage with her violin.

Diego got up and started directing the audience. "Move! Go, go, go! Move!" Vanya sent out another blast, and we all ducked. We took cover behind the plush, red velvet seats. "She's stronger than expected," Diego remarked.

"Yeah." Luther looked over at Allison who gave him a pointed look. "Yeah, we're fine. Thanks for asking." She clenched her jaw. "Look, I almost lost you once, alright? I wasn't about to lose you again."

"Well, so much for the element of surprise." Diego looked to Luther. "What else you got?"

Allison hit her hand against the back of the row of seats in front of her, drawing our attention. She pantomimed playing a violin. "Are we playing charades now?" I joked.

"No shit, Allison. Tell us something we don't already know," Diego said.

"She's talking about the violin," Luther clarified. "It's her lightning rod. If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot."

As if Vanya wasn't enough to deal with already, shots rung out inside the theater. The armed men wearing red gas masks from earlier filed into the theater. "Looks like the Commission finally caught up to us," I grumbled.

The orchestra members dropped their instruments and scurried offstage, but Vanya paid them no attention. A white glow emanated from her, and the whole theater shook as the notes she played grew louder and louder.

"What the hell happened to Klaus? He's supposed to be on lookout!" Diego yelled.

"Yeah, you surprised?" Luther asked.

Suddenly, Five spatial jumped into the aisle. "What's with all the lolly gagging?"

Luther shouted, "Five, get down!" just as the armed men trained their gunfire on him. Five crouched behind the row of seats next to me. "Five, what the... I thought you bailed on us!"

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