Floppy Black Beanies

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I had been sitting in my bed, staring at the wall for the past 10 minutes, spacing off when my phone buzzed.

From Jana Banana: Hey, are you excited to meet your illustrator today?

I smiled at the message.

Of course Jana remembered. She remembers everything. She's so sweet like that.

I picked up my phone to reply.

From Me: Yep, a little nervous tho!😕 Haven't had a new illustrator since Chris, and he was a gem. I hope this one works out well! 😁

From Jana Banana: I'm sure he'll be great. Just have faith and cross your fingers!😋

From Me: thx I'll try

From Jana Banana: that's the spirit!

I checked the time before turning off my phone.

8:30. I need to meet my illustrator at 10:00, so I'd better start getting ready.

I was still in my pajamas. Well, it was hard to call them pajamas, because I hadn't exactly changed my clothes before I went to sleep the previous night. Regardless, they had to be changed.

Walking over to my dresser, I tried to pick out a professional looking outfit that would also keep me warm in the Winter weather. I decided on a black turtleneck sweater and a knee length black and grey skirt over black tights.

After finally smoothing out every wrinkle in my skirt, my focus went to my face. I cringed as I looked in the mirror. Apparently I had been so tired that I didn't even bother a little bit in taking off my makeup. I had mascara and purple eyeshadow smeared all around my eyes, and even some in my eyebrows. I hit play on an ABBA CD  and got to work fixing my face.

While I was wiping makeup off my face, I thought about what my new illustrator might be like. I write children's books for a small company in New Jersey. Recently, my old illustrator quit his job to move to somewhere in Wyoming. I missed him dearly; I considered him to be one of my closest friends, and though we still talked, I knew it would never be the same. I had been looking for a new illustrator for a few months when I finally found one. An art school graduate named Gerard. After looking extensively through his portfolio, I decided that I absolutely LOVED his art style. The pointed and whimsical features would be a great fit for the kind of stories I like to write.

I hoped Gerard would be nice; I wasn't about to deal with some self-righteous, art school snob just so I could have pretty pictures for my books. I grabbed a makeup brush and delicately applied some fresh mauve eyeshadow to my crease while singing along to Fernando.

I decided to go light on the makeup that day, the cold weather would likely make my nose run and my eyes water, and I wasn't interested in having streaky makeup in front of a new partner. A light dusting of powder and a coat of mascara were all that I figured I should do.

Glancing at the clock once more, I gasped and realized somehow I had used up almost an hour and hadn't even done my hair yet.

Frick frick frick frick frick. Okay, y/n, calm down. Your hair doesn't really look all that bad, just put your beanie over it, and it'll be fine.

Following my concsious' directions, I pulled my floppy black beanie over my hair, leaving some of it out give it a cute flair, and sighed in relief. I forgot how much I liked the hat; my mom had made it for me a month before she passed away last winter. It was big, and it flopped over in the back. The soft black yarn always kept my ears warm; it was like as if mom's spirit was there protecting me.

I pulled on my coat and scarf and stopped the CD. I needed to find my boots, and it was hard to focus with the music playing in the background. I finally located them to be under my couch, and after fishing them out with a hanger, slipped them over my feet and stood up, ready to go. I grabbed my backpack and headed out the front door.

Hey author here! What do you think so far? Bye bye beanie babies!

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