Name Your Plants

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I invited Gerard to come over at 10:00 A.M. that morning, so I was doing a little bit of cleaning before he arrived. I swept the floor and picked up all the dirty clothes in a large laundry basket. After throwing the basket in my bedroom, I wiped down my living room table and set two chairs with it, making sure that they were exactly aligned with the edges of the table. Once the chairs were perfect, I finished with tidying up; I dusted shelves, straightened picture frames, and fluffed the couch pillows.

By the time that I was finished, the clock read 9:50. I had ten more minutes, which I spent rushing around the apartment, second checking everything for impurities I might have missed. That took five minutes. The next five minutes, I nervously paced back and forth in the living room, staring out the window, watching the streets.

Where is he? I hope he didn't forget.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw a transit bus pull to a hault in front of the nearest stop to my apartment building. I watched nervously as the passengers exited the vehicle, one by one. I sighed in relief when I saw a man with shaggy black hair and a backpack step off and onto the street. Stepping away from the window, I sat on the sofa and waited patiently for a knock on my door.

When the knock finally arrived, I hopped up off the couch and opened the door to reveal Gerard, smiling nervously. "Hey Gee!" I waved and grinned, opening the door a little wider.

"Hey Y/n," Gee took a few steps into my apartment and looked around. He seemed a little mesmerized by it, and I want sure why.

"Is there something wrong?" I giggled, closing the door behind him.

"Huh? No no no, there's nothing wrong." He turned to me and waved his hands. "Its just that your place is so clean. It's a far cry from where I live."

Nice to know my cleaning paid off, I guess.

"Oh," I began. "I did tidy up a bit before you came over. But yeah, I guess my place is usually pretty clean." I shrugged.

Gerard set his bag down next to a large armchair and stood awkwardly in the middle of my living room. I turned to him and laughed. Oh, what a cutie.

"Don't just stand there, silly nugget!" I laughed, walking into my kitchen. I gestured for him to follow me. "C'mon, I'll get you something to eat."

Gerard hastily followed me, still obviously unsure of what to do. "What do you want?" I began rifling through my cupboards, on an all too familiar search for the perfect snack. "I have crackers and cheez its and stuff like that, but I also have veggies if that's what you're in the mood for."

Gee was leaning against my refrigerator with his hands in his pockets, watching me thoughtfully. "Um, I'm not sure. What do you want Y/n?"

I groaned dramatically and flung over my counter like I was giving a Shakespearean soliloquy. "My dearest Gee, you are mine honored guest, whom I have welcomed intersome my abode like a cherished brethren." I was spinning around the kitchen, flailing and just being as extra as I could. "Thou must not make worry over the preferred choice of sustenance that I possess, but rather take lead of your situation and choose your snack like a strong, fearsome man!" When I was done with my lecture, I looked up and saw Gerard in disbelief at the show I had just performed. I huffed and put my hands on my hips. "Well, if you're just going to stand there, I guess we're just gonna have a combination of the best snacks I have. Now," I tapped on the fridge, snapping Gerard back to reality. "If you wanna look and pull out what you want, you can just put them on the table."

I pulled my coveted box of Cheez Its from my shelf and gently set them on the table. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gee pulling out a container of hummus from the inside door of the fridge. He held it for a moment before setting it next to my Cheez its box. He moved tentatively, as if the plastic hummus container was a fragile relic from ancient history.

A few minutes later, and Gerard and I were sitting in my living room, working. We were mostly silent, save the scratches of Gerard's pencil against the paper, and the tap of my laptop keys under my fingers. Occasionally I would look up from my writing and examine him hard at work. His tongue poked out a little from his mouth when he was trying hard to concentrate, a habit that made me melt.

Once when I looked up, he was also looking up, and our eyes met awkwardly for a split second before snapping back down again. I felt my face start heating up, so I covered my face with my hands and dropped my head, trying to conceal my embarrassment.

"Do you feel okay?" Gee looked at me worriedly. "You look kinda sick."

"Yeah," My words were muffled through the wall of my hands. "I'm good."

"Are you sure?" His concern grew, as did my embarrassment. "Y/n, do you need water? I'm gonna get you some water." Gerard jumped up and started walking past me.

"Wait! No, Gee!" I tried to grab at his arm to stop him, but missed, allowing him to find his way into the kitchen. I scrambld to my feet and sped after him. "It's ok, I just go-"

My words were cut short by a glass of water held directly in front of my face. At the end of the arm was Gerard, staring right into my eyes, eyebrows raised in surprise at my proximity. "Th-thank you Gee," I slowly took the glass and drank a small sip. His expression softened and he sat down at the kitchen table, beckoning me to as well.

I complied, sipping the water all the while. "Gee?" I whispered, trying not to startle either of us. "Why did you do that?"

He lifted his head up. "Do what Y/n?"

"Jump up so fast to get me the water?" I inquired on his strange behavior. "I mean, it's nice of you, but you barely even knew if I was ok or not."

"Well, I'm not really sure. You just seemed like you were gonna pass out."

"Ok weirdo." I laughed and shook my head a little. His answer puzzled me, and I was pretty sure he was hiding something, but I didn't know what. I was desperate to break the silence.

"Do you want to see my room?" I asked him, standing up and setting the cup on the counter.

"Uh yeah, sure!" His face lit up, and he smiled up at me happily.

"Cool, come on!" I pranced into my room, Gerard walking close behind me.

My walls were adorned with lots of miscellaneous items, from posters to birthday cards, to random cutouts from magazines. A spacious desk was  pushed up against one wall, and a bed was on the other side.

"Are these some sort of weird cacti?" I heard Gerard ask. I turned around to see him examining my display of succulents on my bedroom windowsill. "I've never seen one like this before."

I laughed at his ignorance and picked up one of the little plants. "No, they're called succulents, Gee. Cacti are a type of succulent, but not all succulents are cacti. They're sort of like squares." He nodded his head slowly, seeming to understand. "This one is Claudia." I lifted the plant in my hand, then set it back down with its photosynthesizing brethren.

"It's nice to meet you Claudia," Gerard said softly, leaning down and smiling. He stroked one of her leaves. "My name's Gerard."

I giggled at his cuteness and stepped to be closer to him. "Do you want to meet the others?


"This one is Mercutio." I pointed to the plant next to Claudia. "And this one is Benvolio." I touched the next plant gently and watched as Gee introduced himself to each succulent.

After his introductions, I realized it had been a while since I had watered my plant children and grabbed my watering can. I kept a half full one in my room at all times. While I was carefully hydrating my plants, Gerard asked, "Y/n? Why do you name your plants?"

"Oh..." I thought for a moment. "Besides being fun, I think it's a way of connecting with them. Like, if I form a connection, I'm more likely to take care of them." I set the watering can down on the table and sat on the bed.

"Hmmm," Gee said. "That makes sense. I like that idea."

Hey Beanie babies! I finally updated after like 2 weeks. Yay me! Also I really like succulents, so I included them in the story. Claudia is named after my friends and Benvolio and Mercutio are my fav characters from Romeo and Juliet. I actually have a succulent girl. His name is Ray. Love you -Dizzy

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