Butterfly Sunrise

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I was walking home, thinking incessantly of y/n.

She just hugged me. A girl, a human woman, who I'm not related to, just hugged me. And she initiated it too.

At this point, I was thoroughly flustered. What could this mean? Y/n was pretty, but she was also now my co-worker. I liked her, but I wasn't sure if I liked her. She had this sort of spunk that might have made me  uncomfortable had it come from another person, but there was something endearing about the way she presented it. She reminded me a little bit of somebody I knew, but I couldn't quite place who it was.

The hug she gave me wasn't even revolutionary for me. It's not like I hadn't hugged girls before or anything. I wasn't that much of a loser. I'd hugged, kissed, and even went all the way (you know what I mean) a few times before. It just never happened that often.

It was only about 12:30 P.M. when I had finally reached my house. Neither of my parents were home, and Mikey was probably shut up in his room, so I just headed down to my basement bedroom so I could be alone for a while.

The stairs squeaked loudly with my every step, making me cringe a little. I set my bag down gently on my desk and flopped down on the couch, strewing my limbs across the arms and back. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling, not really thinking of anything. I'm not exactly sure of how long this went on, but I know that I was rudely shaken from my couch coma by a loud notification bell coming from my phone.

From y/n l/n: how about you come over to my place to work around 10:00 tomorrow?

Oh good. Y/n. It's not like I've already spent hours thinking about her already.

From Me: sounds good.

From y/n l/n: Kewl dude

Oh God, this girl is so cute.

From Me: cool

I hit the reply button and turned my phone off, setting it on the coffee table next me. Slowly, I felt my eyes start drooping and not soon after I had drifted into sleep.

The dream I had that day was strange.

My world was beautiful. There were trees as far as I could see; beds of flowers and berry bushes that popped up sporadically between them. Natural light shone through the foliage and created a lovely strobe effect. It was like one of those biblical paintings where God is talking to someone, but in the form of a beam of sunlight. I was sitting in a tree branch, watching a colorful sunrise when a shadowy figure came into view from a forest opening about thirty feet away. The figure glided around my tree a few times before it completely dissapated into black fabric scraps that were now littering the ground. One landed on the branch next to me, but before I could pick it up, the scrap started hovering and turning over slowly, until- POOF! The scrap disappeared and y/n materialized in its place.

"Hello?" I attempted to speak to her, but she gave no reply. Instead, she just turned to me and smiled peacefully. When she smiled, a nearby butterfly softly fluttered onto the tip of her nose. Steadily, she brought her hand up and let the butterfly tentatively make the journey onto her finger. Y/n looked very entertained by the butterfly that slowly crawled around her fingertip. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows as if she was trying to see if I noticed. Why she wasn't speaking, I had no idea.

She lifted her hand more toward the sky and the butterfly flew up and away. This didn't seem to faze her, as she just watched it for a moment and then returned her attention to admiring the colors in the sky.

"Y/n?" I tried speaking again, and this time when she turned to me, surprisingly, she opened her mouth as if to speak.



I was awake when I felt the sofa I was sleeping peacefully on tipping over by some outside force, and I was really awake when my body slammed into the ground after I fell off said tipping sofa.

I groaned in pain and opened my eyes to see a hand offering to help me up. Sitting up, I took the hand and sat back down on the couch, rubbing my head. Very loud laughter made me look up at the hand's owner, at which moment I realized that it was my best friend Frank, who was laughing his ass off at my pain.

"What the hell, Frank?" I yelled, throwing a cushion at him.

"Awww, is da wittow baby still tired?" Frank teased, not missing a beat.

"Shut up." I snapped. "You know, I was having a great dream when you came and tipped me onto the floor." 

"Were you finally getting some action?" Frank smirked at me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh get out already, would ya?" I loved Frank, but I was always irritable right after I woke up.

"No can do, we gotta go to Ray's remember?" I nodded, remembering our plan to play video games and do "guy stuff" that night. "I invited Mikes too, if you don't mind."

"Nah, I don't mind. I thought we already invited him." I yawned, rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"Hmmm. Maybe." Frank stopped to ponder for a moment before snapping right back out. "Now, come on. Let's go already."

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up. You're so whiny, ya know that?" I slowly pushed myself up and grabbed my backpack, ready to leave again.

"I know that, now stop acting like my mom." Frank was already at the top of the stairs, that damn hyperactive chipmunk. "That's Ray's job."

Hey Beanie Babies! Nobody reads this, but that's okay! Hopefully someday, someone will read this. Anyway, I'm going to try and write at least 1000 words per chapter. Not counting the author's note, this chapter is exactly 1000 words, so go me! See ya l8er sk8ers, keep it fresh.
-Dizzy Star

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