The Importance of Eyebrows

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Gerard and I had agreed to meet at a Starbucks that day to discuss business. Most of the time, writers would write their book and send it to the illustrator for pictures, but I preferred to know and work with my illustrators personally. It always helped me with the creative process to work collaboratively. Thankfully, through emails, he disclosed that he felt the same.

I arrived at the designated Starbucks with about 10 minutes to spare. I ordered a frappuccino and sat down at a table in the corner and set my notebook neatly in front of me. My phone buzzed with a notification from an unknown number.

From unknown number: Hey y/n! It Gerard, your illustrator. Just letting you know that I'm close, and asking where in the shop you'll be.

From me: Hey Gerard. I'm in the corner. I'm wearing a black coat and have a laptop with stickers all over it.

From unknown number: ok cool! See you in a few😁

From Me: see you

Smiling at his texts, I added Gerard’s number to my contacts.

Well he seems nice.

I entered his name in my contacts as “Picture Boy.” I almost never put people’s actual names in my phone. I guess it’s just my futile way of protesting the mundanity of society. I placed my phone in my pocket and opened my notebook. My pencil flopped absentmindedly in my hand as I glanced over my story outline. The story I had started was untitled. Every time I tried to name it, the name I chose just never felt like it fit.

"Hey, are you y/n l/n?" An unfamiliar voice caught my attention. Looking up, I saw a raven haired man standing in front of my table, with a small, friendly smile. He had a large backpack slung over one shoulder and a long black coat. His hair was messy and hung in his eyes a little; he really had the "artist" look down.

"Mmm hm! That's me. Are you Gerard?" I answered cheerfully.

"Yes ma'am." He held out his hand and I gladly shook it, then moved my stuff out of the way to clear a spot for him to sit.

"Here, you can sit here." I picked up my backpack and set it on my other side, and gestured to the chair next to me. He set his bag on the floor and slid onto the chair. While he busied himself with pulling out sketchbooks, I took the initiative on breaking the ice.

"I can't tell you how great it is to finally meet you Gerard! Your last name is Way, right?" I hoped that enthusiasm would do the trick.

"Yeah, its Way. And it's nice to meet you too, y/n." He looked into my eyes as if he was searching for something, and when he seemed to find it, he looked back to his sketchbook.

That's a little strange. Maybe it's an art thing? I don't know.

"So..." Gerard began, flipping open his sketchbook, "What is the concept for your book?"

"Oh gosh..." I laughed nervously. "Well.. it's's about this little boy and girl who are best friends. And they go on adventures together. Eventually, they end up fighting a dragon, but they realize the dragon is just lonely, and that's why its mean, so they are nice to the dragon, and the the dragon is nice back, and they learn a valuable lesson about perspective and blah blah blah. Sorry I'm sorta bad at explaining things."

"No, no, it makes sense." Gerard told me,  "I like that idea. Do you have a title yet?"

I looked down and fidgeted with my sleeves nervously.

"" I grimaced. "I've been trying to come up with one, but it just never works."

Gerard nodded as if he understood my predicament.

Honeybean (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now