The Next Chapter

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Y/n and I sang along to the radio as we drove down the dark streets. Sex and Candy; while not something I would listen to, Y/n seemed really into it. We sang together.

I smell sex and candy here
Who's that lounging in my chair
Who's that casting devious stares
In my direction

I winked at her on 'devious', making her crack up. On the next chorus, she threw her arms dramatically above all sensually on 'lounging' and bit her lip on 'devious stares', but immediately started laughing her ass off, as did I. The song was over quickly, and we had pulled into my driveway. "So um, we have to be really quiet so we don't wake up my parents, okay?"

"Okay," she giggled. "I feel like I'm in highschool again!"

We tiptoed through the house, feeling around in the dark for door framesr and walls and furniture. Somehow, we made it to the kitchen without an issue, but I walked straight into a table, and yelped loudly. After that, we just ran down the basement stairs and hoped I didn't wake anyone up.

Y/n sent herself into a giggling fit when we reached the basement, falling onto the couch and rolling around. Her laughter made me laugh, and soon we were falling to pieces together on the couch, her wheezing into my shoulder while I threw my head back and shrieked. "You sounded like a fourteen-year-old boy jerking off when you hit that table!" She wheezed out. "You were like: 'Awwghh! Oh my god!'" She fake moaned and gripped the couch trying to imitate me and also personally attack every pubescent boy in existence. "It was so hilarious!" She shoved her head back into my shoulder and we both laughed for another while, before she finally calmed down and flopped onto my lap.

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" I asked her, flipping the TV on.

"Yeah, actually." She smiled. "That sounds nice."

"Woah, Nightmare on Elm Street is on!"

"I've never seen that one." Y/n said.

"What?!" I looked down at her, astonished. "How? It's a classic!"

"I just never have. Never got around to it, I guess."

"Well, we're watching it."

Y/n seemed to enjoy the movie, though she became very scared at multiple points in the film. She had shifted her body so that we were cuddled next to eachother under an old blanket, with my arm stretched behind her. Each jump-scare made her grab my hand and squeeze it tightly, sometimes moving in closer to me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy every second of it. Having one of my favorite people so close to me, snuggled up to my side the way I always wanted her to be. "Are you okay, Y/n?" I asked her when she had her head hidden for a particularly long amount of time.

"Yes..." She lifted her head and grimaced.

"Are you sure?" I said, brushing her hair back. "You're not too scared?"

"Umm...." She blushed a little. "Well, maybe I'm a little scared..."

"We don't have to watch it anymore if you don't want to you know." I wanted her to feel comfortable.

"Maybe we should turn it off." She nodded to herself and handed me the remote. "I don't know how to work this thing."

After switching off the television, I looked to her. " you want me to take you home or..."

"Umm, maybe I should-" Crack! Thunder struck, cutting Y/n off and making her squeak in surprise. Then, the rain started to pour down, pitter-pattering on the roof and windows. Another roll of thunder clapped, and Y/n clenched her eyes shut, grabbing my hand again.

"Y/n, are you..." Crack! Yet another thundering, making the girl quiver and shake. "Are you afraid of thunderstorms?"

"Yeah." She said shortly, flinching when I squeezed her hand. "Sorry, I know, it's dumb."

"Aww, no it's not." I said sympathetically. "Everyone's afraid of stuff. I'm afraid of needles! Like, sooo afraid." Y/n laughed a little and relaxed, releasing my hand. "You can stay here tonight, if you'd like." She nodded hastily, sitting up more and fixing her hair. "Here, I'll go get some blankets and stuff, I'll be right back."

"Okay." She whispered, nodding to herself.

I ran up the basement stairs to retrieve blankets from a hall closet, leaving Y/n safe and secure on the couch. Every clap of thunder made me more anxious to return to Y/n, who was probably being eaten up from the inside with stress down in my basement. I felt sort of guilty, making her cry in the cemetery, then making her watch a scary movie, then having her sit through a thunderstorm alone. How embarrassing that must be, having your worst fears unintentionally exposed to a close friend. My stomach lurched, knowing that I left sweet, funny Y/n to suffer on my couch.

Right as I closed the closet door, the lights started flickering. Oh no. I thought. Fuck fuck fuck the lights better not go out before I get back down to Y/n. Thunder rang, and the lights went completely black. Fuck! I hurried to the kitchen, rummaging in a drawer for a flashlight that worked. The first two didn't work, adding to my anxieties and frustration. Third time's the charm, and I found a working light, so I continued down to the basement.

I stepped carefully down the creaky stairs, trying by best not to trip and tumble down. The bottom step came soon enough, but I dropped the flashlight, seeing it roll into a corner, helpless with the many blankets in my arms. "Fuck." I whispered. I'd have to retrieve it in a minute. "Y/n?" I called quietly, trying to locate her in the darkness. When she didn't respond, I became very confused. "Are you there Y/n?" I asked again, still receiving no answer.

Feeling around as I went, I set the blankets on the couch and picked up the flashlight. I moved the light around the room, searching for Y/n. I heard heavy breathing from behind the couch, and rushed over, finding Y/n, hands over her ears, eyes closed, and rocking forward a bit. She looked up at me, face red, and scrambled to stand. I gave her a smile and stepped a little closer, and she rushed forward to hug me tightly around the neck. "Oh thank god it's you, Gee." She said, pulling away a bit.

Her eyes were wide; though relieved, they were still swimming with worry and stress, added to by an ever-quivering lip, indicative of possible tears. She was so beautiful, staring at me like I was the only person in the world. Clinging to me like I was the only one who could protect her. Pulling her waist in tightly to me, I kissed her quick, but not hard enough to frighten her. She tensed for only a moment before relaxing into my arms and kissing me back. We slowly pulled away, her looking into my eyes once again. "Gerard...I...kiss me again, please."

I granted her wish and kissed her more softly this time, holding her flush to me and moving slowly. There was nothing that could pull me apart from her at that moment, not fire, nor rain, which seemed to splash down harder than ever before outside. I walked her a few steps toward the bedroom. Her fingers grasped at my shirt, digging into my back just slightly. "Gee..." She said in between breaths.


"I'm really tired." She whispered, placing one hand flat on my chest and resting her head there.

"Well, let's go to sleep then!" I laughed, taking her hand and pulling her to the bedroom.

We settled in quickly; I gave her one of my sweatshirts and some PJ pants to sleep in. She crawled in next to me and snuggled close, letting me wrap one arm around her. I don't know if we said goodnight, or if everything stayed unspoken, but I also don't know if we really needed to.

Love you Beanie Babies!
XoXo, Dizzy Star☆

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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