Jealous: labrinth

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She repeated that day again, but this time she seemed to believe shes just been having weird dreams. But she quickly falls for that weakling. Even in her dreams he was this guy who was annoying she seemed to love every moment with him.

My chest ached and i sink my teeth into my lip trying to stop it from quivering i hated seeing her smile like that. Just knowing im not the one to make her smile like that feels as if a thousand daggers are piercing my skin.

I hated this! How could she like that worthless mutt! And yet there was the proof, i needed to protect her but the problem was... how? She was stubborn and if you told her not to do something or say she couldnt do something she'd do it to prove you wrong and to prove you have no control over her if i told her not to leave she would leave!

I decided to call up Chase, i knew that weak pathetic man would do as i said if i threatened him so he could watch after her.

He wasnt a demon, its not like we were in hell or something, we were in just another "world" technically it was almost more like a separate timeline but mainly for all egos, but humans were able to be here it just wasn't common, after Dark and Mark split Mark would visit from time to time to talk about video ideas, although instead of asking for help with the Anti vs. Dark video he just had Sean pretend to be me which was frustrating and also annoying. We had a few humans that other egos had met and something would happen and they needed to protect that human, this place was more of a safe haven for egos but also for a select few amount of humans.

I call Chase and he answers with a shaky voice, "h-hello?"

"Get your fuckin ass here as soon as possible i need you to watch over something and i swear if you fuck this up I'll slit your kids throats in front of you and that damn whore before killing her as well!" I growl deeply and he quickly hangs up

In less than an hour Chase knocks on my door. I open it with a snarl and a glare before dragging him in, "It's not allowed to leave the cabin if it wakes up understand! Just watch after it while im gone and take care of it!" I say before opening the door to the bedroom and walking towards the front door

"Anti!" Chase yells causing me to stop, "you want me to watch after a human girl!" Chase exclaims in fear

"Why are you so scared it needs protection or mom will kill it, me, and Dad"

"So yours and Darks mom will kill your guys's dad, you, and this poor girl? Why?" He asks confused

"I'll explain when i get back please just watch over her and keep her safe" i say with an annoyed sigh

Chase gives me a confused look but nods, "wouldn't Marvin be a better candidate for watching over her?" He asks

"Marvin can't know about her! Not yet! If she were to wake up he would know certain things and wouldnt realize she has no idea what she is, and its safer if she didnt know, hence why im having you watch over her" I say giving a brief explanation so i can leave

"Alright, I'll text you if she wakes up" Chase says before i quickly leave so he cant try and get more answers out of me

She was so peaceful, Anti must need her for something but she looked so innocent with her lips slightly open and connecting in the corner barely open enough, to be hard to even see a single tooth. Her (H/L) (hair length) and (H/C) (hair color) slightly messy and strands resting on her face as her eyes were gently shut. She couldn't possibly want to be with Anti she looked to human in a way, she looked as if she'd hate everything about him because she'd want peace and freedom for everyone while Anti wants war and destruction.

I sit in the living room which was small and play on my phone while i wait for Anti to return.

I soon begin hearing rustling of sheets. Worried i go into Anti's room to see the poor girl fidgeting, she was no longer peaceful but in distress her eyes tightly shut a look of fear on her face as she began tossing and turning clinging to the blanket that covered her for dear life. She does all this while mumbling softly to herself so quietly i cant hear her.

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