A New Ally?

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☝️Quinn Kittie

Piper's POV
Oh my Goblin, I am so excited to see Zarya aka Zaryn being healed from that curse.......I wanted to see Catlacorn too! By The way, we first go to The Astromancers Academy to meet Star Master Nova Terron. He knows more about Quinn Kittie, anyways after we went there, we all realized that Quinn Kittie is There.....


Quinn Kittie: I see Nova Terron...This spell isn't enough to stabilize the Whole realm, only Drake City...

Nova Terron: I see...How can we stabilize the realm?

Quinn Kittie: Here's a book *Gives book* This is a Spell Bound that I created Many years ago, this would help stabilize the whole realm!

Nova Terron: I actually appreciate you, Quinn, coming to our academy!

Quinn: Quite a surprise, any more surprises?

Nova Terron: No more Mistress of Magica Kittie! *Ringtone Call*oh I got a call from one of our students


Malveron: StarMaster Nova Terron! I'm so glad I can call you

Nova Terron: indeed it was, indeed it was! ANY PROBLEMS?

Malveron: yes! the girl, Zarya Moonwolf she still has the curse


Malveron: yep

Nova Terron: Come to the Academy right now, we have a special guest in here!

Malveron: Who?

Nova Terron: You'll see


Nova Terron: My Apologies Mistress Of Magica Quinn Kittie

Quinn: I don't mind, who are talking to anyway? I shouldn't have asked that actually, my apologies!

Nova Terron: It's Malveron Grimm, brother of Tazma Grimm, he is a talented astromancer just like Proxima Starfall!

Quinn: Who is Tazma Grimm and Proxima Starfall?

Nova Terron: Tazma Grimm is one of our astromancers, she became corrupted and then she works for Queen Necrafa and Proxima Starfall is one of our best quality astromancers/mage

Quinn: an astonishing story

and then a door opened soon there's Malveron, three of the mysticons and a blue haired girl( She looked pale)

Malveron: I'm sorry I'm late! the mysticons, I mean the Dragon Mage, Stryker, and knight had been searching Zarya aka Mysticon Ranger for ages!

Arkayna (dragon mage): Its a nightmare!

Piper (mysticon stryker): I think its hard searching for Zarya!

Em (Mysticon Knight): Guys, uhh look at Zarya *pointed Zarya*

Piper: were toast right?

Em and Arkayna: Yeah?

Malveron: Arkayna, Piper and E---

Arkayna: Malveron, your so dead!

Piper: Very, very in bad luck

Em: Oh my goblin!

Malveron: Sorry you guys

Arkayna&Piper&Em: well the truth is unfolded, girl!

Arkayna: Agreed! 

Malveron: Ehm, How about Zarya?

Piper: Zarya, Zarya?


Mysticons X Quinn Kittie X Httyd Crossover Adventures Where stories live. Discover now