Chapter 1- Missing

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Alison is in her room getting ready for another boring day at school. What she doesn't know is that this day would be anything,but normal.

"Mom what is for breakfast." Alison yelled downstairs.

There was no answer so she walked around the house. She couldn't understand why her mom wasn't here. Whenever her mom would leave she would slide a note under her door that would tell her where she went. That is when she was worried,so she went into the garage and she noticed her car was still in there,so she went inside and walked upstairs to where her mom's room was. That's when she noticed something really strange....

"Why is her phone still here she never goes anywhere without it."Alison said terrified.

That is when she knew for sure that her mom wasn't fine, but she couldn't really figure out what happened. She went to go call 911 and s when she got to the phone she typed it in. something wasn't right she looked at the cord on all of the home phones around the house and all of the cords where cut. She ran to her neighbors/friends house and asked them to call 911,but all of there cords were cut also. She went back to her house,grabbed her bike and rode 1/2 a mile to the police station and she was panicking and the cops told her to calm down. about 15 minutes later they took into a room for questioning.

"What seems to be the problem miss.... what is your name?" asked police officer Cloud.

"My name is Alison and someone took my mom and cut my phone cord,so I went to my neighbors house and there phone cords were also cut. I ended up just biking here." Said Alison about to cry.

"What is your mothers name and why do you think that someone took your mother?"Officer Cloud asked

"Her name is Dana and she never leaves anywhere without sliding a note under my door telling me where she went. She never goes anywhere without her phone because she knows that I will call or text her after school because she has work until 2:00 and she picks me up after school. Her car was also still in the garage and it wasn't warm,so that means she didn't go somewhere." Alison said balling.

"Well we will do everything we can do to find your mom,but until then do you need a ride to school?" she said questioning herself if she should go to school.

"I don't want to go school till we find my mom and she is fine.... she will be fine rrright." she says nervous about what she is going to say.

"Well we will try and do our best to find her,but in the mean time I want you to go home lock the windows,door,everything that you can and also lock yourself in your room. Bring food,water and things to do in your room if you here anyone knocking on your door don't say anything. If it is us we will slide a badge under the door and if you have to go to the bathroom go in there lock the door and hurry. When your done lock the door and unlock your door and do this every time." Ms.Cloud said.

"Ok...may I please go home now?" She asked

"I'll take you home because it is my job to keep you safe!" Ms.Cloud said.

"Can you stay with me when I get home just for a little bit. She said scared.

"I'll be back because I have to ask my leading Officer or as other people would call it my boss. She said as she was getting up.

She went into her boss's office and asked him if she could go to Alison's house,so that she can be relaxed and not be worried about anything. Her boss said it was ok and that he'll have someone else cover her shift. She walked back into her office to tell her that she would be able to stay over for a little bit. They saw her sitting in her chair looking at a picture of her and her mother. That is when she saw her holding it in her arms wondering if she would ever see her again. She knocked and then she looked over to see that it was Ms.Cloud.

Ms.Cloud said"Hey are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm just worried about my mom. What if someone hurt her?" Alison said worrying about her mother.

Ms.Cloud drove her to her house and she made sure that all of the doors,closets,garage,side door,the car door is locked. They also shut all of the blinds. Then they took blankets downstairs,so that she could stay downstairs. Alison was told to stay down there because there is one tiny window which no one could see through it. Also down stairs she could watch television,play games and if she needed to call 911 or Ms.Cloud she could call them. Officer Cloud walked out of the house 1 hour later and locked the front door and then went home.

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