He's a flirt (Tony Stark)

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Summary: Just teasing or genuine interest? (Some, let's call it, sexual frustration, fluff)

"Tony, stop it!"

"Why? You love it! Admit it."

"I don't...!"

That was a lie. And he knew it. Your blush and silly smile gave it away. And that's why he enjoyed flirting with you even more. You never flirted back, afraid of what might happen if you did. Oh, you liked him, a lot. But there was something about him that kept you back.

When he flirted with you, you felt amazing. One of a kind. But you couldn't help get stuck to the fact that he flirted with everyone, he just enjoyed making you blush.

"Dinner's ready!" Thor yelled from the kitchen.

It was his turn to cook and his dishes were absolutely delicious every time, for some reason. He never told you the ingredients he used, he only said that the recipe is from Asgard.

You followed everyone to the dining room where Thor had laid food enough to feed an army. Tony was next to you and you noticed him take a good look at all the foods. Then he finally spoke.

"The food looks great but... There's something far more delicious I'd rather eat right now," he said and winked at you.

"Oh, shut up..." You said, trying to hide a smile creeping up on your face.

"Why don't you make me?"

You shook your head but feeling him looking at you smirking sent shivers throughout your body and you couldn't just shake it off.

He had a huge impact of you, every word, every touch, every glance. It all did weird things to you, things you thought you'd never felt. Things you'd only read about in love stories.

You sat down opposite him, only to realise what a huge mistake that was. Throughout the whole dinner, he kept making eyes on you, smirking and occasionally he would rub his foot against yours, then smirk again.

As soon as everyone finished eating, you jumped up and ran to your bedroom. You needed to relax a bit, Tony usually didn't flirt that much and it was driving you crazy.

You fell on your bed and turned the music on, hoping to silence your thoughts for a while. It was so loud, you felt your bed slightly buzzing to the beat, the others definitely could hear that.

You closed your eyes and without even wanting to, you started reminiscing about all those times Tony flirted with you.

The times he'd look at you, bite his lip, wink at you and then smirk at your geeky reaction. The times he'd use all those cheesy (or not) pickup lines, causing a muffled chuckle from the Avengers and a blush from you. The times he'd 'accidentally' touch you and then look at you amused when you're trying to hold your shit together.

You had a smile on your face, one that immediately turned into a frawn when suddenly the music stopped. You opened your eyes only to find Tony looking at you.

His head was tilted, his beautiful dark eyebrows furrowed and his eyes were narrow. You stared back at him, hoping he'd say something to break the awkward silence.

"What the hell was that for?" You finally asked.

"Umm I could hear the music from my lab, that's what's that for," he replied, taking a step forward. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Well, because I know the signs of something going wrong. I've been there." His look was now sympathetic, and you could see love in his eyes.

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