Secrets (Bucky Barnes)

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Friday night has been "Family Game Night" for you ever since you can remember yourself. Your parents had long passed, you weren't on speaking terms with your older sister, but that didn't stop you from keep arranging game nights with your friends every Friday you found the chance to.

Soon, the Avengers had caught on. They enjoyed game night almost as much as you did. So everyone kept their Fridays clear to spend quality time together, as a family.

Bucky was as enthusiastic as you were about game night, which caught you off guard, at first. How can a person so quiet and seemingly antisocial be into silly games that involve shouting, deafening laughter, and often someone running off angrily, but that only lasts for 5 minutes because everybody is determined to finish the game, no matter how annoyed they are.

When you asked him about it, he just smiled, looked into the distance and very successfully dodged the question. You didn't feel you were close enough with him to push him more on this. But you decided to do something about it.

Not just because you were intrigued by that half smile, the sexy head turn and the mystery surrounding that man. But because you genuinely cared about him, you knew he didn't trust many people and getting to his good side would be a huge advantage. He also seemed like an interesting person to hung out with, and judging by Steve's stories from before everything happened, he was quite hilarious and a ladies man. But he was always a proper gentleman and never wanted to hurt a single soul. That was the Bucky you wanted to be friends with. That was before.

But you didn't care about his dark past. Everyone has a dark past. Even you. So, everyone understands and doesn't ask things they shouldn't be asking. That was the most important unofficial rule, that nobody dared to disobey.

So, after a few months of spending quality time both as parts of the team and you with Bucky individually, you had finally managed to make him call you "one of his closest friends", something that caused a huge smile and a blush to decorate your usually pale face.

You had shared things with him that you hadn't told nobody else other than your 2 closest girl friends, which he'd also met. You hung out all the time and there were multiple occasions in which one or both of them came to visit you at the Avengers Facilities, meeting Bucky but, for your friend Jessica's bad luck, Steve was never there.

Just like always, since the early afternoon of Friday, everyone started arriving to the common room, ready to play, have fun, and get rid of some of the unnecessary stress that came with being a superhero.

It was Tony's chance to choose a game and you all knew that by the end of the night you'd all be drunk, feeling like teenagers but having had a great time nevertheless.

To nobody's surprise, he chose Truth or Dare. You seemed to have played this game a million times, at least, but there will forever be things that hadn't come to surface yet.

"Does everyone have a drink?" you asked, after going around the room, filling everyone's glasses with plenty of alcohol.

After you knew there were no empty glasses, you felt a hand on your wrist pulling you down with extreme force, causing a yelp to escape your lips, the sound of laughter to fill the room and a landing, of your part, on a rock-hard set of abs.

You turned around and blushed more than you ever had when you saw that beneath you there was no other than James Buchanan Barnes.

"Goof," you whispered loud enough only for him to hear, before offering him an award-winning smile and pushing yourself off of him.

"Okayy, let's play, shall we?" Natasha, weirdly excited, rubbed her hands together and pulled a name from the hat in front of her so you could decide who would go first, like you always did. "Barnes, you go!"

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