Same time, next week (Steve Rogers)

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Writer's note: Yeah, I know. He's a supersoldier. Just bear with me, okay?

"What do you mean he asked for me?!"

"Well, apparently some friend of his recommended you, and now he needs you. If you don't want to do it, I'm sure he'll understand. I don't, but you know," your boss told you.

"No, no, it's not that I don't want to, of course I want to, I'm not crazy!" you quickly replied. "Besides, it's my job. And if Captain America wants me to give him a massage, then I'm going to hive him a massage."

"Good! So he wants you at the Avengers facilities at 6, sharp. Don't be late," she warned you.

"I won't be, trust me."

You had been a masseuse for a couple of years, God knows how many attractive men had walked through your door. But this was not your usual attractive man. This was Captain America. Steve Rogers. America's favourite soldier wanted you, personally, to give him a massage. This was going to be one interesting hour.

You pushed the giant door open and was greeted by a disembodied voice, making you slightly jump on your spot.

"Hello, Miss. How may I help you?" a kind female voice asked you.

"Umm... I-I have an appointment. A massage appointment with... Steve Rogers?"

"Sure, just a moment, please," the voice replied. You still had no idea where the sound came from but you figured that was the least of your problems.

"Mister Rogers is waiting for you upstairs, just get into the elevator and I'll get you to the floor you need."

You did as she suggested and soon, the elevator doors opened, revealing a huge living room, bigger than your own apartment. Your eyes met with big blue ones, and you quickly realized you were standing in front of Captain America himself.

"Miss (y/l/n), right?" he asked you, extending his arm towards you for a handshake.

"Y-Yes, (y/full/n)," you replied and shook his hand.

"I'm Steve Rogers, thank you for coming on such short notice."

"No problem..." you told him, finally stepping out of the elevator.

"So, my room is this way... Do you need me to carry that for you?" he gestured at your massage table. "It seems pretty heavy."

"No, no, it's okay. I'm used to it."

He nodded and led you to his bedroom. He opened the door and you followed him inside, stepping into the huge room, so beautifully decorated. It was simple, yet so pretty. The walls were painted in a discreet beige colour, while his blue bed covers made the difference and added a splash of colour around. He had a drawing desk, neatly organized, it seemed to have everything a painter might need. Here and there he'd hung a couple of his best drawings.

"So, you can put the table over here," he said, meaning the huge empty space at the middle of the room.

You just nodded and got your equipment ready.

"I am just going to need you to walk me through it, I've never done this before." A small blush spread across his cheeks and a faint smile decorated his face.

"Oh, okay. I'm all set so what I want you to do is... Take your clothes off and get underneath the sheet while I'll be waiting for you outside. Just cover yourself from the waist and down."

He shyly smiled at you and took his shirt off before you had the chance to leave the room, making you blush and hurriedly walk towards the door. You closed it behind you and shut your eyes, took a few deep breaths and tried to relax.

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