New acquaintances (Bucky Barnes)

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Summary: Yeah, you were a brat. Putting your life in danger, completely ignoring your superiors' orders. But you did it all to save them. (Angst, fluff, SMUT)

"Hello team," Fury greeted the Avengers at the meeting room.

"Nick. Good to see you," Steve said and shook his hand. "So what's this all about?"

"I wanted to introduce to you the newest member of the Avengers. (Y/n), come on in."

You walked in and saw -almost- everyone looking at you, interested at what your powers might be.

"(Y/n) here has been a SHIELD agent for 3 years now and she's one of my top agents. You need her."

"Hi everyone," you greeted.

"Agent (y/l/n), I believe you know the team. Stark, Rogers, Romanoff, Barton, Barnes, Banner, Thor, Wilson, Rhodes and Loki."

"Yes, I do. Nice to meet you," you said.

"Welcome, Mrs (y/l/n), I believe you are going to have so much fun here," Tony said and kissed the back of your palm.

"Back off, Stark. We're here to do business not to get you a girlfriend."

At Fury's comment, you heard a small chuckle coming from the back of the room. You looked over where you thought the noise came from and saw Bucky Barnes laughing to himself. You gazed at him for a moment until Steve, who was sitting beside him, noticed you.

"Well, I'll let the guys here show you around. If you need anything, call Hill. She'll know how to handle it. Or him," Fury said and glanced at Tony.

You chuckled and nodded. "I'll keep that in mind."

7 moths later

"We're ready to go. You know your teams, you know your missions. No mistakes, no do-overs. Look out for each other. On my signal, we begin." Cap was being Cap.

Steve and Tony were always the ones in charge. Giving the orders. And they were always going solo. Nat was paired with Clint. Thor with Loki. Sam with Rhodey. Bruce solo, of course. And you... With Bucky.

The mysterious super soldier was always so secretive and a loner, he didn't like attention. You felt as if he didn't even want to be paired with you, on your way to your places he didn't say a word.

"Buck, I'm getting heat signals," you informed him.

He just held his gun tighter and got in front of you, pulling you gently behind him.

"What- What are you doing?" You asked him confused.

"Shh," he turned to look at you. "I can see Zola."

"What? Where?"

"Shhhhhh!" He said louder. "There. Behind the big bush."

You looked at where he pointed and saw Zola and a couple of HYDRA soldiers whispering at each other.

"Stark. Stark, do you copy?" You whispered, hoping he could hear you.

"On my signal," you heard Cap's voice.

You sat there and watched him walk over to Zola.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain America," Zola said when he saw him approaching.

"Arnim Zola. Let's get this over with calmly, shall we?"

"Oh, I'd love to. I really would. But I can't do this. Guards!"


You all stormed in and circled Zola and the guards, who immediately started shooting at you.

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