Chapter 2

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  The teacher kept on teaching. Her lesson was only hearable to those who were on Earth. I was one of those who wasn't on Earth.  Her lesson went from one ear and out of the other. I kept looking out the window and sketched my old home with my mother in the front. She would always tell my brother and I to be ourselves no matter what. She was a wise person. Probably one of the wisest I knew. 

  Do I miss my mom often? Yes, I do. Can't help it honestly....what else am I supposed to do? She was my best friend and at times she's the only one who would understand me  in situations. My older sibling, Cameron, always tries to scold me like my mother. It honestly makes me laugh. Cameron is actually more like our father. Except that Cameron, well....Cameron is gay. Something that both Cameron and I keep as a secret between us. Only our older brother Henry and Cameron's partner know. Well, duh obviously Cameron's partner knew.

  The school bell soon rang. I got up, picked up my books, and walked out of class quickly. Like always Henry waited outside my classroom. He hugged me and we both headed to Cameron's hang out spot. "Cameron is under the bleachers right?' I asked Henry. He gave me his signature smile. "When isn't he at the darn place. He's always their with Danny. If you find Danny you find Cameron." "And if you find Cameron you find Danny," I said finishing his sentence. He chuckled and smiled. "Ya' read my mind shorty," he said as we both continued walking. Henry was a lot like my mother. He even had the same smile as she did. He also acted and talked like her. Being with Henry felt like she was their with me. Some even say that it was as if my mother's spirit went inside Henry as a way to protect both Cameron and I. But those are just things that the old people say. It ain't real.....right?

 When we got to the bleachers it was no surprise that Danny was their. Both Cameron and Danny wore the smile bright smile. Ya' know like the one a kid has when they see a candy store or when they finally have that one toy they wanted. 

  Once Danny saw us he waved goodbye to Cameron, hugged Cameron, and kissed Cameron. Henry still wasn't used to seeing them both kissing. But he accepted their relationship. He wasn't homophobic at all. Unlike our father who was the exact definition of being homophobic. That's why Henry and I always had Cameron's back. For us it didn't matter whether he was gay, Bi, or that Cameron defined himself as a dog. Cameron was our family. Our blood was the same as Cameron's blood. Even if we had a gun at our heads we'd always protect Cameron and stand up for him. Ever since our mother past away Henry would be our brother, mother, and even our father. I was 9 when my mother died. Henry had just turned 13 the day she past away. I remember how much he hated his birthday. He felt as if it was his fault that she died. September 29 will always be a mark on our lives. But for Henry it would leave a wound. A wound that no matter what would never heal. I still remember how since that day Henry banned us leaving the house on that day. We could go out any day all except that day. 

 That darn day.....

 "Faith." I quickly felt someone pull me back. "What the Hell Faith! Pay attention! That darn car almost killed you!" Henry said as he yelled at me while gripping onto my arms. 

 I hated my name. He usually called me by name when he was worried or mad at me. But I hated it. Even if it was the same name as my mother's. I still couldn't help but hate that darn name. 

"Leave Harper alone Henry," Cameron told Henry as he pulled him back and away from me. Harper was my middle name and I honestly liked that name way more than Faith. I guess I don't like that name, Faith, because like Henry I feel like it's also my fault mom died. It's been five years and none of us have been able to get over it. Even when she made us promise that we would. 

 "Sorry Harp. You know how much you mean to me sis." I nodded. " I know Henry. I know"

All three of us had a connection so strong......

But...that connection was also our weakness.....

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