chapter 7

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   The game went on for what felt like hours. In reality it had only been fifteen minutes. The score was tied two to two. Now the first one to three points would take the win.

  My body was sweaty and sticky. I honestly felt disgusting but I places that thought in the back of my mind.

  I didn't want to admit it but Darien was good a playing basketball. A little too good. It was hard to keep up with his fast movements. The fact that there was a huge height difference didn't help either. Every time I wanted to shoot he could quickly be able to cover any spot I had to shoot.

  I started to get annoyed.

 "I'll take care of Damien . You block the thot," Alex said as he took the ball from me.

 I did how I was told and went to block Stacey.

 "I'm surprised people like you can play this good."  I rolled my eyes and tried to focus on the game, rather then her bitchy voice.

 "You know it's rude to leave people taking Faith." She said in her wanna be pitty voice.

 "Sorry I don't got time to talk to thots. I don't wanna risk getting your hiv from that one night stand you had."

 "Shortie!" Alex quickly threw me the ball and I started to run to their hoop. Damien was right behind me. His hand hovering over me ready to slam the ball away. It seemed like it was just us two in the court now. He ended up trying to slam the ball but quickly failed. I saw my opening and took it. The ball flew as if hypnotized to go into the hoop. It circled around the hoop until it finally made it in. The whistle was blown and that was game.

 I ran to Alex and did a jump hug. He held onto me and carried me. "I told ya' shortie. We got this." I smiled and he placed me back on my feet.

  "Ahem, good game." We heard someone behind us say.

  "Good game to you too Damien." Alex replied as they shook hands.

 "Good game Damien. You played really good"
He looked at me. "Thanks, but I feel as if you played way better then me. It's not everyday a person gets to play at my level. It was nice to to win for a change."

 "Thank you, I guess?" "It's a compliment. Which reminds me, Harper and Alex would you two want to come to a party I'm hosting?"

"No, it's not a full on let's get drunk and get laid party. This is more of a cook out type of thing. Like a hang out. You don't have to come if you don't want. Just felt as if I should invite my friend/neighbor and his girlfriend to a party."

I blushed. "Alex and I aren't....we aren't a couple." Why was I stuttering?

 "Oh?", he raised and eyebrow.

"Yup. We're just good friends. Many people think we're together so it isn't the first time we're asked this question." Alex nodded in agreement.

"We'll think on your offer to the party Darien. I'll send you a text if we'll go or not," Alex said as he tossed Damien the ball.

Mr.Rivera soon dismissed us to go and change.

 "Harper you played great! The way Damien and you played was so cute!" Nat said as she put on her shirt.

 I sighed, closed my locker and put on my shoes. "I don't see the big deal in playing basketball Nat. You're over here acting as if it's some anime."

 "What I mean is the way he looked at you Harper. Didn't you see it?" I placed my backpack on. "Nope. It just seemed like any other look a fuck boy does."

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