The Three Roles

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Alphas are generally dominant and able to impregnate Omegas. They are the highest ranking members of the pack as they hold absolute control over their pack members. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused. Alphas are responsible for leading the pack, establishing pack territory and its safety, and protecting the pack from rogues. They are responsible for keeping order within the pack. Paired Alphas may be more possessive of their mate and prone to jealousy in certain circumstances. They're most known as the protectors of the pack.

Betas are subordinate to Alphas and may be able to impregnate Omegas. Betas are often presented as having "normal" human anatomy with none of the special attributes of Alphas or Omegas. The Beta is essentially the second-in-command of the pack. When the Alphas are absent, it is the Beta's job to make sure the pack is organized and under control. When the Alphas are indeed away for a time, these wolves are the next in authority and demand the same respect and control from their pack members.

Omegas are the lowest of the hierarchy. Both male and female Omegas are self-lubricating (produce slick) and have the ability to become pregnant. They're most known for being submissive to other roles, though this isn't by any means finite. They are typically the nurturers of the pack.

When will you know your role?

At birth, the doctors will announce the gender (male or female). They have to wait until they are about 12-20 years old to find out whether or not they'll be an Alpha, Beta, or Omega, which is also known as presenting. So in a way, there are two genders; the male/female gender and then the Alpha, Beta, Omega gender.

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