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I was madly in love with life. The past two weeks Dallas and I have had a hard time keeping our hands off each other since we took our relationship to the next level. It doesn't help considering we live together. But trust me, I was most definitely not complaining. We were leaving Bucks and heading to grab lunch. He recommended grabbing something from the Dairy Queen across town but I recommended The Dingo. I liked eating at the Dingo. I had a lot of good memories here. On nights when our parents were passed out or gone, Johnny stay at the Dingo for hours. It's open 24/7 so it was kind of our safe haven. It always felt more like a home than my own house did. So when Dally and I walked in hand in hand, I felt a little bit of pride arise in my chest. It was like taking your boyfriend home for the first time. I liked that feeling.

"Dally," I said softly getting his attention as we sat down in our booth.

"Yes, Lilly?"

"Thank you," I began. He furrowed his eyebrows trying to tell me he didn't know why I was thanking him. "Thank you for being so good to me."

"I love you, Lilly," Was all he said. I grinned at my lovely boyfriend.

"I love you too, Dallas Winston."

He reached over and grabbed my hand. Right about that time reality set in and out waitress brought over two chocolate milkshakes, which is what we ordered, and we let go of each other.  The rest of the date we talked about many things. We talked about how well Johnny is doing at the Curtis house. And obviously how well I'm doing at Bucks. I get to be with Dallas and any time I'm with Dally I'm happy.

"I'm going to go to the restroom, I'll be right back," I said excusing myself. My stomach had wanted me that a restroom break would be a good idea, but by the time I stood up and walked over to the bathroom, my stomach turned upside down and the little bit of shake I had consumed cane right back up. I had blood sugar problems, this was normal and because I had skipped breakfast I figured that was what was happening. It was common. When I finished I went back to Dally.

"Hey Dal, I need to go to the doctor. I have blood sugar problems and it's normal but sometimes I have to take medicine for it. But my parents rarely got me the medication I need," I explained. He looked worried and I repeatedly told him it wasn't a big deal.

"All right come on." He stood up and grabbed my hand after laying a few cents on our table. The doctor was only about ten minutes away. My stomach wasn't hurting anymore but I figured that was because I threw up my shake.

When we got there we walked in and we had to take a seat for a few minutes and wait for my doctor to finish up with the patient she had currently. Her name was Dr. May and she was absolutely gorgeous. It was quite intimidating but because she was so kind and soft spoken, I couldn't help but adore her.

"Lilly Cade," she called out as she opened the door.

"I'll be right back," I said to Dally as I stood and started walking out of the waiting area and into the hall with Dr. May.

"How are you today?" She asked.

"Good, just blood sugar problems again."

"Alright well we can take care of that pretty easily."

We walked into a room where she asked me questions and evaluated me. She took my vitals and then made a strange face. She wrote something down and then drew a quick sample of my blood to test.

"I'll be back soon," she informed and I smiled as she walked out with my blood sample. I flipped through a magazine and waited patiently. It didn't take too long before she came back.

"Okay, so you're blood sugar is actually fine so I'm going to take a few more samples okay. The stomach flu is going around so you may have caught that. Have you been around a group of people lately?" She asked and I nodded. I was staying at Bucks so the odds of me getting the stomach flu seemed likely.

She took more samples of different things. And she left me to read my magazine once again. This time it took much longer. I wondered what Dally could possibly be doing in waiting area all this time. It's been at least an hour maybe two. I hoped he had gone to grab food considering my shake was no longer in my system.

My thought were interrupted when Dr. May came back in. She had a smile on her face which seemed very promising to me.

"Okay Lilly good news! You don't have the flu!"

I was relieved because the flu was quite difficult to handle. I always lost weight when I got really sick and I'm already a tad underweight.

"So there's nothing wrong?" I asked.

"Well, there's definitely something going on but you aren't sick, darling."

"What is it?"

"You're pregnant."

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