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It was difficult at first. Dallas spoke to Johnny one on one while I explained things to the other boys. They were shocked of course. Dally and I don't just scream perfect couple. But it's strange. We seem to work pretty well together. I spent most of my days at the Curtis house and every night at Bucks with Dally. Johnny didn't like it at first, but he was happy that I was out of the club and of our abusive house. I could feel the sun rays warming the room around me. I loved mornings. I looked over at Dally. He had his arm around me and he was still asleep. I liked watching him sleep. He seemed at peace and I liked peaceful Dally. It was rare and I always enjoyed rare sightings.

"You're staring," he mumbled not even opening his eyes. I chuckled lightly.

"I'm admiring," I corrected.

His eyes opened slowly and I forgot how much I loved those deep brown eyes. He pulled me close and kissed my neck softly before rolling over me to get to the bathroom. I took this as my chance to get changed and begin to get ready for the day. After he came out we switched and he put on his clothes while I brushed my teeth and hair.

"What are we doing today?" I asked walking out of the bathroom.

He didn't reply. Just walked over and kissed me softly.

"What was that for?" I chuckled.


"Because why?" I asked grinning ear to ear and slinging my arms around his neck.

He looked like he wanted to tell me something. But he didn't. He just grinned and then kissed me once more.

"I should tell all the boys how sweet you are to me," I teased.

"Believe me they are having the time of their life with it," he replied. I laughed knowing very well they would do that.

"They're just shocked you're so fond of me." I sat back on the bed and he came and pulled me down laying nearly on top of me.

"I'm very fond of you Lilly Cade," he said quietly while kissing my neck.

"Oh yeah?" I teased again. I loved teasing Dally. He was easy to mess with and I got High off of it for some reason.

"Yes." His voice was deeper and his kisses began to get more passionate. I brought his face to mine and kissed him back. This went on for a while. His hands driving me crazy and finally I just started laughing. He pulled away and looked at me strangely.

"What?" He asked but he couldn't help but grin at my strange laughing. I didn't answer. I just buried my head in my hands.

"Lilly what is so funny?"

"I'm in love with you." I answered honestly and by this time I had stopped laughing. Dally day up and looked away.

"Say something," I pleaded.

"I didn't want this."

Ow. He didn't feel the same way. What did he mean he didn't want this? Did he not want a real relationship? Was the kind hearted Dally I had seen just a facade? I felt my heart stop as each of these questions flew through my mind.

"I should go." I got up and grabbed my jacket from the small dresser he had by his door.

"No, Lilly wait," he begged while grabbing my arm. I turned toward him but refused to make eye contact as I could feel the tears filling my eyes.

"Baby, I didn't want this." I scoffed sarcastically and tried to turn away again but he stopped me. "But I got it." He continued.

"What Dallas? What do you have?" I questioned frustrated.

"You. I have you and not just a one night thing. I have a real girl."

We paused and I looked him in the eye. He was being sincere and that made things worse somehow. I just wanted him to love me back. I was beginning to wonder if Dally Winston was capable of it.

"I have a girl that I would do anything for," he said gently pulling me close to him again. This time I didn't fight it. I felt myself get close to him and I hugged him.

"A girl I love," he whispered and my stomach dropped. I slowly pulled back and looked at him.

"You what?"

"I'm in love with you Lilly Cade."

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