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I froze.

Of course I froze.

I can't be pregnant.

I can't support a baby.

I can't.

Dally won't want a baby.

Oh my God.

I can't.

I can't breath.

"Lilly, sweetheart are you alright?"

I can't.

My breathing got heavier and slowly but surely the room went dark.

When I opened my eyes there were doctors all around me. One of them had something under my nose and when I breathed it smelled awful and that woke me up quickly. I took a deep breath and tried to sit up but Dr. May rushed over.

"Lay back sweetie, you passed out do to shock. Do you remember the conversation we had?" She asked and I chuckled lightly.

"Yes, it's a hard one to forget."

She smiled and then she told the other doctors they could leave. When they shut the door she turned back to me and laid a hand on my arm.

"Lilly, if you'd like I can get you an appointment to-"

"No!" I interrupted. "I'm not aborting the baby. I'm not giving it up either. I'll figure out how to support us."

I had no idea I felt like that until the conversation came up. I didn't know it, but I already loved this baby. And rather Dally was going to or not, I was going to love this child the rest of my life.

"Okay. I'm proud of you for making that decision. Here's a schedule for you to come in so I can check and see how you and the baby are doing throughout your pregnancy. Please come by any time you have questions or concerns." I took the paper and smiled kindly at her.

"Thank you," I replied while making my way to the door.

I have to tell Dally now. How on earth am I going to tell Dally? He's a reckless, dangerous greaser with too much life to live to stop and start one with me. How am I going to do this?

That hallway seemed never ending. But when I finally reached the door to the waiting area I opened it and saw Dally asleep in the chair in the corner. The chair he was in when I left. He hadn't moved. I smiled at my love and made my to him.

"Dally," I said softly while putting a hand on his shoulder. He slowly came to smiled when he saw me.

"Hey baby, you get everything you needed?" My stomach dropped but I kept smiling.

"Yes. I'm starving though. What do you say we make our way back to the Dingo and we get something to eat."

He nodded and then we walked out. We arrived at the Dingo and I felt my stomach drop again. This is the by far the hardest thing I've ever done. And coming from a girl who used to strip at the ripe age of 15, that means a lot.

We sat back in the same booth we had earlier. And a different waitress came shortly to take our order. She had short black hair and she was heavy set and very pretty. I wished I had thick thighs and a full chest. I guess I will in a few months.

"Strawberry shake and steak fingers," Dally said while never taking his eyes off the menu.

"And I'll take a chocolate shake and a cheeseburger," I said and she grinned at me.

"Alright honey we will have those right out," she said and I thanked her quietly.

"Baby are you okay?" Dal asked and I didn't respond. I took a deep breath and reached over the table and grabbed his hand.

"Dallas, I love you. And I understand completely whatever you decide to do, okay?"

Now it was his turn to not respond he simply nodded and kept looking at me with much concern locked away in his beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Dallas, I'm pregnant." My voice was so shaky I was afraid he didn't even hear me. But the look on his face told me he did. He froze just as I did when I first heard the news. I began to panic so I tried reassuring him he didn't have to be involved.

"Look Dally I'm keeping the baby but if you don't want to be involved you don't have to. I completely understand. We're young and neither of us have very stable jobs and I know that-"

He grabbed my hand and stopped me from continuing. I looked at him afraid of what he was going to tell me. He got up, not letting go of my hand, and walked around so he was standing in front of me without the table being between us. He leaned down and kissed me. It was short but it was sweet.

"I'm going to stay with you every step of the way. But if we're doing this then we're doing it right."

"What do you mean?" I asked trying to keep the smile off my face. This was no smiling matter because it was such a serious moment for both of us but Dally looked so genuine and lovely I couldn't help but smile.

He put one hand on my face and kissed me again. When he pulled away I chuckled a little and felt a tear fall from my eye. I was so overwhelmed with joy at this point I couldn't contain it.

"What do you mean, Dally?" I asked again. Then he got down on one knee and I felt a sharp breath escape my lips in the form of a gasp.

"Marry me."

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