Chapter 1

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Friday 22nd November 1963

Kennedy’s Suite, Hotel Texas

Fort Worth


Jack had just woken up. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, in his boxers and t-shirt. He was contemplating getting up when he heard the door creak open. He saw Jackie walk in, in her nightie. “Morning bunny.”

“Morning.” Jack replied as his wife sat down beside him.

“Jack are you okay?” Jackie asked noticing her husband leaning heavily on his knees trying to relieve the pressure on his back. “My back’s in agony.”

Jackie smiled sympathetically and gingerly rubbed his back up and down. She could see tears building in his eyes. “Jack will you be okay today?” Jackie asked.

“I’ll be fine.” Jack sighed. He attempted to stand up but he groaned and fell back down. “Jack.”

“I’m fine.” Jack hissed as he grabbed his back with his hands. Jackie pulled him into her and hugged him. “Come and I’ll run you a bath, you have forty minutes to get ready.”

Jack nodded and let Jackie help him up.


Jack had just walked off the stage after giving his speech the pain in his back was unreal. As soon as they were out of view of the press and safely in the hotel he went and leaned against the wall. “Jack?” Kenny asked.

“Give me a minute.”

Kenny nodded. After a few seconds Jack joined him. “Ready Mr President?”



Jack was just about to give his speech when Jackie walked in. His face lit up when he saw her; she looked stunning in her pink suit. “Two years ago, I introduced myself in Paris by saying that I was the man who had accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris. I am getting somewhat that same sensation as I travel around Texas. Nobody wonders what Lyndon and I wear.”

The crowd laughed. When Jackie reached him he quickly kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

Jack turned back to the podium and continued his speech. After the speech the Presidential party tucked in to the breakfast. “Jackie?”

“Yes Jack?” Jackie asked as she buttered her toast.

“I love you in that suit.”

She blushed. “Thank you.”


Jack and Jackie left the ballroom and headed to their motorcade. They were heading to Dallas.


Air Force One

Jackie had just come out of the bathroom. She found her husband sitting slumped in a chair by a window. She slipped down beside him. “Bunny are you okay?”

“My back’s like hell.”

“Why don’t we loosen your brace it’ll help.”


Jackie nodded and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. She loosened the tight brace and heard her husband groan. “Better?”


When the plane touched down in Dallas, Jackie fixed her husband’s collar. “It’s still raining. Will the top be on?”

“Yeah probably, I hope it is so I can slouch.”

Jackie smiled. “You’ll be fine.”

He nodded and headed to the main door. It was pouring in Dallas. Jackie slipped her hand into his. “You ready?”


Jackie smiled and quickly kissed his cheek. She knew he was suffering horrific pain.

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