Chapter 25

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Saturday 11th January 1964

Jack and Jackie’s Bedroom, the White House

Jack and Jackie were woken by a loud knock at the door. Jackie sat up and glanced at the clock. It was just past nine. She got her robe and opened the door. Dr Carrico stood. “Good morning Mrs Kennedy, am I too early?”

“Oh no, come in. Jack’s awake.” Jackie said as she closed the door.

“Good morning Sir.”

“Morning.” Jack replied as he sat up. He suddenly realised he didn’t feel as tired and the pain wasn’t as bad.

As Dr Carrico checked him over, Jackie left the room to get washed. “Jim? Can I call you Jim?” Jack asked.

“Of course Sir.”

“I would like to offer you a place on my council of physical fitness and more importantly keep you on as my doctor along with Dr Travell.”

“Sir I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes.”

Jack smiled. “Ok thank you.” Dr Carrico smiled. He shook the President’s hand. After a few minutes of Dr Carrico giving him some exercises Jack sat up. The curtains were still shut and it was a very private setting with no cameras. “Jim can I ask you a….private question?” Jack asked awkwardly.

Jim nodded. “Of course Sir.”

“How long do you reckon it will be before Jackie and I can…. Have sex again?” Jack asked awkwardly.

Jim turned to look at him. “A few weeks, I’ll let you know when.”

“Thanks.” Jack nodded.

“I understand Sir.” Jim said before closing the door. When Jackie returned she sat down beside her husband and kissed his cheek. “You’re looking better.”

“I’m feeling better.” Jack said as he put an arm round his wife.

“Good bunny.” Jackie smiled.


Jack was lying stretched out on the sofa when Jackie came in, she was wearing a beautiful black dress. “Where are you going?”

“Shopping, do you want to come?”

Jack thought about it for a few moments. “Sure.”

Jack got up and grabbed his jumper. They were soon in the car on route to town. When they arrived at the department store Jackie helped her husband out of the car and took his hand. She squeezed it as they walked in. A shop assistant rushed straight up to her. “Can I help you Mrs Kennedy, Mr President?”

Jackie smiled. “No thank you, we’re just browsing.”

She nodded and let the First Couple be. “So what are you looking for?” Jack asked.

“A new dress and a new nightie.”

Jack grinned. “Do I get a say in the nightie?”

Jackie laughed. “Maybe.” She winked.

After half an hour, Jackie had selected a beautiful royal blue dress and a lacy red nightie. Once Jack had paid they headed back to the car. Unluckily a large crowd of press had gathered. Jackie ignored them before helping Jack back into the car.

The White House

Once they were home Jack went and lay on his and Jackie’s bedroom. Jackie was in the walk in closet hanging up her new dress. When she came back in she was wearing her new nightie. “Wow.” Jack mouthed.

“You like?” Jackie teased.

“I do very much and I can’t wait to get my hands on it.”

Jackie laughed. “It won’t be long Bunny.”

Jack nodded and pulled her down beside him. He snuggled her and held her close. “I love you kid.”

“I love you too Jack.”

Jack smiled and kissed her tenderly.

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