Chapter 28

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Monday 1st June 1964

The Residence, the White House


Jackie was lying on the sofa in a near sleep. She’d had pressing interviews all day. Jack was still out on the campaign, it had been two weeks since she’d seen him. She missed him and worried about his health especially since Dallas.

She was just about a sleep when the phone rang, she picked it up quickly. “Hello?”


“Kenny?” Jackie asked.

“Yes, you need to get to Virginia now.”

“Why?” Jackie asked sensing the uneasiness in Kenny’s voice.

“Jack’s had an Addison’s crisis, it wasn’t too bad but he’s on an IV drip.” Kenny replied.

“I’ll be there soon.”

Jackie hung up and headed down to tell Mr Hill.


A Hotel in Virginia

When Jackie arrived she was quickly ushered up to the Presidential Suite. When she went in, Kenny and Pierre were standing watching Dr Travell checking over Jack. “What the hell happened?” Jackie asked when she came in.

Before either could reply Jackie went over to her husband and stroked his hand. He was very pale and tired looking. He’d just drifted to sleep. Dr Travell guided her away from him to the living room where Kenny and Pierre were waiting. “Will someone care to enlighten to me on what the hell happened?”

“Well we didn’t stop for a break today and the last event on the schedule was the parade, when we got back we asked him if he wanted to have dinner downstairs and he said no he wanted to change he’d be out in ten minutes but when he didn’t come I went looking for him. I found him passed out on the sofa; I gave him his injection before getting Dr Travell.”

“Kenny!” Jackie exclaimed. “I put you in charge of looking after him. You know his health hasn’t been great since Dallas! How could you?”

Kenny didn’t know what to say. Jackie turned to look at Pierre. “You’re now in charge of making sure Jack’s alright Pierre.”

“Mrs Kennedy…..” Pierre stuttered.

“No but’s Pierre, you’re in charge.”

Pierre nodded.

“We’ll leave you now Mrs Kennedy.” Kenny said dragging Pierre out with him.

Jackie went over to where her husband lay and stroked his foot. How could this have happened so soon after Dallas? And during the re-election campaign? He began to stir, his eyes slowly flickered open and they fixed on hers. “Jackie?”

“I’m here Bunny.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell anyone but I wasn’t sure if it was my Addison’s or not.” Jack whispered.

“It’s okay Jack don’t worry.”

He nodded. Jackie watched as he drifted back to sleep. She wanted him to be alright but now they’d have to tell the nation, jeopardising his chances of being re-elected.


Jackie went into the other room and got into bed. She was angry none of Jack’s staff hadn’t noticed he wasn’t feeling well, they knew him better than anyone. She watched the car headlights outside before eventually falling asleep.

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