Chapter 13

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The Sitting Room

Jack was sitting on the sofa; it was the comfiest he’d been in days. John was lying curled up beside him.

Jackie and Caroline were lying on the floor playing a bored game. Just seeing his family so relaxed made him sad, he might not have been here. He began to sob quietly but when Jackie noticed he had to avoid her gaze. “Caroline take your brother out of the room.” Jackie said.

Caroline nodded and dragged John by the arm. Jack was hiding his face in his hands but he was crying audibly. Jackie carefully sat down beside him and curled her legs up. She gently rested her head on his chest and placed a hand on his stomach. “Bunny?”

“Oh Jackie.” Jack sobbed.

Jackie slowly made Jack move his hands away. “Jack what’s wrong?”

“I might not have been here; I’d have left you to raise two kids. I can’t even bear the thought.”

“Oh Jack it’s okay.” Jackie whispered as she stroked his cheek. “You’re here that’s all that matters don’t dwell on it.”

Jack squeezed his wife’s hand. “I love you.”

Jackie smiled. “I love you too.” Jackie replied before placing a kiss on his cheek.

Suddenly the door opened. Bobby walked in. “Jack.”

Jack looked up. “Bobby what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to see you.”

“I’ll leave you two to it.” Jackie said before leaving the room. She found Caroline and John sitting on the stairs. “Come on I’ll tuck you in.”

They smiled and ran up the stairs. After tucking John in, Jackie went into Caroline’s room. She was lying in bed. “Are you alright now sweetie?”

“Yes Mummy.”


“Mum?” Caroline asked.


“Why was Daddy crying?”

Jackie sighed. “Your Dad, you know nearly died. He was just glad to see you and John again.”

“I’m glad he’s here too.”

Jackie kissed her daughter’s head. “Sleep well.”

“Night mum.”

When Jackie got back to the sitting room, she peered in to the room. The sight that met her was heart-breaking. Jack and Bobby were sitting hugging but crying. She decided to leave them for a bit.

When she returned ten minutes later, they were sitting watching a game on TV. Jackie sat down beside her husband. “You okay?”

“I’m tired.”

Jackie nodded.

“Maybe you should go to bed; your sisters are coming to see you tomorrow.” Bobby suggested.


Jack got up and with Jackie’s help made his way upstairs.

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