Chapter 21

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The Main House, Palm Beach


The Dining Room

The whole family were sitting around the table chatting and laughing. Jack was sitting alone with his thoughts playing with his food. He glanced across the table at where Jackie sat; she was doing the same as him. He sighed.

“Ain’t that right Jack?” Bobby asked from the other end of the table.

Jack looked up confused. “What?”

“Nixon was pathetic during the debates.”

Jack shrugged and turned back to his food. Suddenly he sat back. “Excuse me.” Jack mumbled before pulling himself up. He grabbed his stick and hobbled out of the room, with most of the family staring at him. He made his way out on to the porch and stood there in the dark.

Without realising it he began to cry. Every tear that escape from his body jerked his back. He was sobbing when he felt a hand on his back. “Jack?” Jackie asked gently.

“Oh Jackie.” Jack sobbed. Jackie wrapped him in her arms. He buried his head into her shoulder. She could feel his tears soaking her shirt. “Bunny what’s wrong?”

“It just hit me.”

“What just hit you?” Jackie asked fixing his hair.

“That I might not have been here, I might never have seen my kids grow up. I might never have been able to see you again.”

“Jack it’s okay.” Jackie whispered. “Just let it out.”

After a few minutes Jack had managed to compose himself. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry bunny; it was never going to be easy.” Jackie replied as she slipped her hands into his. “I’d rather have you like this, than not have you at all.”

He nodded and kissed her cheek. “I’m tired.”

“Come on inside, you can have a rest on the sofa while we finish our meal.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s okay.”

After tucking a blanket round him on the sofa Jackie went back to the dining room. “Dear, is he okay?” Rose asked.

“He’s just really struggling with the emotion and pain of Dallas.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t be going straight back to work.” Jean said.

“He has too; the people need to know he’s okay.” Bobby argued.

“But Bobby what if he’s not actually okay?” Jackie pointed out.

Bobby didn’t know what to say.


When they entered the living room Jackie gently kneeled down beside her husband. “Jack wake up.”

He blinked slowly before sitting up. “Where is everyone?” Jack asked.

“Just coming.”

He nodded and snuggled into Jackie. Life was slowly getting better.

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