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Beast Boy, Blue Beetle and Nightwing looked impatiently at the new Robin and his reaction.From the league, Supergirl and Black Canary had come to talk about Damian's investigation of bank robbers in the city. Kori received them and guided them to where the boy was who had detailed reports of his discoveries. While this was going on, the male members bet how long it would take Damian to look down at the ... voluptuous attributes of women.

- How long has it been?

- It's been about ten minutes.

- Hell ... I do not know how he can handle it.

- Do not tell me. If I could, I would become a baby to be fed.

- It's like Bruce ... but I do not think he'll hold on forever ...

- Are not you supposed to be the one who knows him the most?

The three were shocked to see Raven emerge from the shadows of the hall with a look not very friendly.

- RAVEN! ... heeeee ... we were just kidding hehehehe

- ... How much have you bet? ...

- What?

- How much is the bet?

- ...100 dollars...

- I see ... if you lose, I'll keep them.

- But girl.

- I'm not suggesting it. I'm saying it.

The boys swallowed and waited throughout the meeting. In the end Raven came out with 300 dollars in his hands and the kids cursed themselves for the bets and the problems that this would bring.

She kept walking until she reached her partner's room and entered. He was reading a report in his bed, with a cup of tea in his right hand.

- Do you want to go to the movies, Damian?

- ... That is the amount that the others bet to see if it fell before my instincts? ....

- Yes. It's 300 dollars ... I was thinking of inviting you out. You always pay, so this would be something new for a change.

- I'd prefer to order Indian food to be brought. Find an interesting movie and see it with you in my bed.

- .... Yeah, that sounds better ....

Said the girl smiling at her boyfriend to then sit on his side and lie down. From there her position could see the back of her partner and something, for her, as an unbeatable force forced her to peck with her index finger parts of his back calling his attention.

- Why are you doing that, beloved?

- I do not know ... I just want to do it.

- ... I see...

- Do you think it's silly?

- No. It's just curious. I guess it's like what Koriand'r does with Grayson's hair.

- ... You really did not feel tempted to see? ...

- It's just meat, Raven.

- It's a lot of meat, Damian.

- Yes. Her mammary glands are big and attractive to others ... I only see a hindrance in combat.

- ...

- You must not doubt your beauty with me, beloved. I think you're more beautiful than other women.

- ... Thank you...

- You are welcome

- Although comparing myself with them is like comparing apples with melons.

- .... I like apples....

The next thing that was heard was how the kitchen utensils exploded leaving the tower without plates or glasses to eat. To apologize, Raven invited everyone to eat out.

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