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- Tell me something you hate about me.

The boy looked at his partner who had provided her thighs as pillows for him. She looked towards the horizon without crossing her eyes against the one who rested on her legs.

- What good is it for me to answer that question?

- Because we have been together for a couple of weeks and everything has been wonderful ... something bad must be in this.

- ... I asked that too ... but do you want us to fight?

- No ... I just want this to be real. Life can not be this happy, so calm. All couples fight.

- I do not want to fight for stupidities with you.

She looked at her partner and placed her pale hand on his burly but mutilated chest.

- I do not want that either. But I want to know things that only by discussing can be known.

- What can be known with such a discussion?

- Stupid people when fighting tells the truth.

- ....... I am not stupid and neither is the woman I have by my side. If you want to know something, you should ask. I will always be honest no matter how cruel the truth is ...

- If so ... what do you hate about me?

The young man took a moment to answer the uncomfortable question.

- Probably ... the fact that you think my affection for you is false. Even when your powers tell you it's true.

- It is often very difficult for me to believe that it is true. It is strange for me that one day I saw my father destroy my world ... and now I have a man who loves me lying on my legs ... it seems ... that is not right.

- The rules of right and wrong do not apply to us.

- That's very superb to say.

- I do not say it because of who we are. I say this because of how they brought us to life and how they brought us up.

- ...

- You say that I am the son of Bruce Wayne, the billionaire, who can have everything and anywhere in the world ... I am Damian Al Ghul, grandson of R'as Al Ghul, heir of the head of the devil and Leader of the League of Assassins ... I ...

- Keep going...

- I do not want to do it

- I know you do not want to ... and it's something I hate about you. I told you my life before I met you, but you keep it a secret. I demand the same sincerity on your part.

- You will feel disgust of me

- There's no way in this world that I can feel disgusted with you.

She approached and kissed him on the lips. Then she waited until her partner was ready to talk.

- The first time I took a life ... I was four years old. I killed a boy a couple of years older than me ... years later I knew he was a son of one of my mother's sisters. We fought to see who was a worthy heir of the dynasty ... I win ... it was expected.

- ... What happened after?...

- ... His mother looked at him ... then he spat on the body and gave it to his dogs ... my mother made me see ... and told me that that would happen to me if I failed ... that's why I always I train, I must be the best ... I must never fail ...

The boy was so immersed in his memories that he only woke up when he felt the drops caused by the tears of his beloved, falling on his abdomen.

He quickly straightened and hugged her apologizing for not noticing her condition. She kept her hand over her mouth, holding what appeared to be a screaming cry.

She could not stop crying and with desperation clung with arms and legs to her beloved, soaking him with tears.

- Beloved ... please do not cry anymore ... not for me.

- Do not ask me something like that ... how could they? ... my father is a demon ... it's normal what happened to me ... but you ... you were just born ... why so much cruelty? ... you did not do anything wrong ... you were just a child ...

- ... I do not know, beloved ... it's destiny I imagine ...

- ... Damian? ...

- Tell me

- I do not want you to suffer ... I can not tolerate that you suffer ...

- Thank you, beloved

He said smiling while comforting his partner who was still crying in his arms.

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