03:00 am

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Three o'clock in the morning was when the magician, now in her own apartment, walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea so she could sleep. She had become independent from the Titans once she was of legal age. It was a small but comfortable apartment that paid the league for her services and she was happy about it. She liked to be independent... be alone.

- Nice place.... but haven't you thought of a change of color?

She did not turn to see the man. By now the voices of Gotham's family were already very familiar to her. As with that strange habit of appearing out of nowhere.

- You all say Damian is the rudest, but he always knocks on the door before entering a house.

- The spawn knocks "your" door, devil. Besides, you must thank me that I am not Bruce. That pervert would stare at you until you woke up.

By the time she turns. She saw Jason sitting on the sofa, reading one of her magic books with his legs on the coffee table.

- "Great book of magic" my ass... where is the trick of how to get a rabbit out of a hat?

- Page 134.

Jason look at her for a few seconds and look for page 134... just to find the trick he had said.

- Well... I'll be damn.

Raven tried some of her tea and sat down at the kitchen table.

- Why are you visiting me at this hour?

The lonely member of Batman's family got up and walked to the table and sat in front of her.

- I have a problem with magical things... and I wanted to use the bathroom.

- What happened?

- I ate a bean burrito and it sat me wrong.

Raven sighed and thought that Damian was right, sometimes.

- I mean the magic, Jason.

Jason took some pictures of his jacket and showed them to the magician to see.

- Where did you see these symbols?

- I found them under Arkham, in the sewers.

- What did you find?

- An Alf doll that was missing his head.

- ...

- Oh, and a plumbing system that connects to the asylum morgue. It seems that the new warden does not like to point out that his patients are dying, and to cover it up. Throw the bodies in the sewers of the city.

Raven was left thinking about what she had heard and tried to relate it to the symbols in the photos.

- Any ideas?

- I know the brand. It's from a cult that worships a demon who wears mortal skins to enter the mortal plane.

- That's beautiful.

- I presume that the warden is a member of the cult and marks them so that some member collects the bodies once they are in the sewers.

- Sounds crazy... chances are you're right.

He said while removing the photos.

- Do you want something to drink?

- Aren't you going to kick me out of your house?

- Why would I do that?

- It's 3 a.m.

- You are like this, there is not much to do about that. Would you like some coffee?

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