The Story Continues...

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They were both crammed into the limited space that was definitely not meant for more than one person. The flutter in her stomach indicated that she didn't mind, even if her head disagreed and screamed at her to remove herself from where she was pressed up against him. But of course, she couldn't.

"It's awfully confined in here," Sirius seemed to silently understand what she was thinking. "Sort of reminds me of the things kids do at Hogwarts after hours."

She could sense rather than see him grinning indecently at the insinuation.

"Maybe we should try it out," he whispered into her ear. She was thankful that it was much too dark for him to see her face because she was pretty certain that her expression gave away to the fact that she wholeheartedly agreed.

"Snogging in a closet is hardly something to joke about right now," she forced out instead. But she made a mental note to revisit the conversation when they were in a less compromising situation.

"Who said I was joking?"


Everything has changed since Marlene accepted her mission for the Order. The only problem? Nobody else knows what she's doing or where she is, and they are going to be furious with her when she finally resurfaces. But Marlene has bigger things to worry about; a new prophecy threatens to change the course of history, and she must unravel its mystery before it's too late. Her mission does not come without its risks; she has been warned that with curiosity comes great cost. Death, fear, and destruction continues to hang over both the wizarding and muggle communities, and the Order and Ministry of Magic must fight to maintain control as the Dark Lord rises to his full height of power. Alliances are questioned and friendships are crumbling as suspicions about a traitor in the midst begin to grow. But with the darkness around her comes strength and courage that Marlene has never known until now, and she finally discovers the true power of love. At last she has found her place in the world, and she will forever fight the darkness, or die trying.

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