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Beep, beep, beep....

Wh-what? what the hell is that beeping noise? I try reaching for the alarm thinking that is what it was but my hand is met by a warm hand instead. I let my eyes fly open only to shut them fast.

"God turn the fucking lights off" I groan, opening them slowly again seeing Seth standing beside my bed. Seth has always been my best friend, it has never really got serious though.

"Don't move so fast Nova" he mumbles softly. I rub my head and sit up feeling the blood rush from my head.

"Where am I?" I rub my eyes and look around god my eyes burning, why oh god! pain shoots up my stomach making me groan in pain making me cringe and shut my eyes tight.

"The hospital" he sighs and sits in the chair next to the bed. Then I realized I had IVS in my arm cringing at this I start pulling them out. I whimper as it stings, Seth grabs my hands trying to stop me from pulling them out, this leads to him getting smacked in the face.

"I want out of here now!" I growl, I have always hated hospital they smelled of death and showed I was weak because I was hooked to all these wires and IVS.

"Nova stop! don't you remember why y-" he is interrupted.

"Rollins someone is on the phone for you" roman leans in the door way. Seth stands and whispers something to him and walks out the door disappearing into the halls of death as I call them. Snorting at my little inside joke I hadn't noticed roman has taken Seth spot in the chair. "How are you feeling?"

"Like my stomach was hammered hard" I sniff and look at him. "I can't remember what happened" he leans forward in the chair.

"You threw up blood" he looks at me. "A ulcer erupted in your stomach, it was most likely when randy hit you in the stomach and then Summer did."he folds his hands in his lap. My stomach churns, my mouth shuts together into a tight jaw line feeling like I needed to throw up in anger and in pain.

"Am I-I" I sputtered for once scared for my life. I don't know wether I was going to be alright or you know..... I hate saying it.

"Doctor said you will be out till summer slam, you have to give you stomach chance to heal. But he said you will be good for summer slam" he looks back at me. I put a hand to my chest as my heart hammers against my chest I say a silent prayer to The Lord saying thank you.

"What am I going to do with out my job?" I start to get all panicky I hated just sitting around and being lazy that was just not in my nature.

"You will be fine don't worry about it just worry about getting better" he stands up and walks to the door.

I shift in my bed and sigh, my head was throbbing like a train has hit me. I pull out more of the IVs not caring if I needed them because I didn't want them, all I wanted to do was go home and rest because I guess that is what I needed the most and even I had to admit that.

I slide my jacket on, my hair tied back, bruises now mark my arms and my stomach is bruised. I ached, I start walking holding my arm around my stomach. Pain shoots up my body every step I take, Seth tries to help me but I shrug him away.

"Seth I am fine" I grit my teeth saying the lie between my teeth, I didn't want some one to help me.

"Yea ok Nova" he rolls his eyes opening his car door for me since I was no longer able to drive for now. Sliding into the seat I try not to make my pain noticeable.

"Just take me home please" I mumble as he gets in to the driver side.

"The doctor said you will have to stay in bed for a little while since your spinal tap so your going to my place" he starts the car.

"No! I want to go home" I groan and look out the window, I hated that people are making decisions that are not theirs to make.

"Not happening" he heads towards the interstate. I groan once again and look out my window, my mind racing.

"At least stop so I can get my cloths and stuff" I grumble give him a look.

"Fine" he uttered one word, I mean it's not like I don't want to go to Seth's house. He isn't ugly or anything in fact he was down right handsome. His hair long half blond the other blackish brown, he is very muscular a scruffy looking face that looks cute. His eyes hazel that could melt any girls heart, even I have fallen for his eyes but I never really pushed it towards anything serious.

"What are you staring at?" He raises a eyebrow, shit! he caught me staring.

"Nothing pretty" I snort and turn my face to hide the pink that crawled on to my cheeks hoping he had not seen such a reaction from me.

"Is-is that a uh blush I see there fearless nova?" I grit my teeth damn he seen it, god why did he have to notice everything.

"What no!" I choke a little and keep my face turn. A deep chuckle came from his throat. God he could be so annoying some times.

Fearless NovaWhere stories live. Discover now