Call me Mom and me Nanna.

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It has been a day since I went to the doctors and all was well with out bundle of joy, I smile some when he told me I should take it easy and some sun wouldn't kill me. I sat on the pool side sunglasses on, shorts, and a white tank top on as I let my pale skin soak in the sun rays of the early morning.

I had got up before roman even woke up, music plays through my phone as I take a drink of orange juice I have been craving oranges for weeks on the road and I couldn't get any but now oh yes now I can have them. I slightly jumped when two arms go around my waist and legs by mine, I put my hands on his arms as he starts to sing to the song.

"I'm the man, I'm the man...." I laugh a little, roman chuckles and kisses my neck tenderly.

"Good morning" I mumble, his hair tickles my back as he puts his chin on my shoulder.

"How are you liking the sun?" Roman whispers softy.

"It feels so good" I yawn slightly, he kisses my shoulder lightly.

"What time did you wake up?" He coughs slightly clearing his throat.

"Oh you know around 4:30" I said quietly knowing he will say something like 'why so early you should be getting more rest'

"That is a little early Nova" he sighed softly I only shrug.

"Or is it to late?" I smirk slightly and look at him and kiss him softly, he returns the kiss deepening it. No matter how many times we kiss each time still makes my burn for him, I put a hand on his cheek and pull to take a breath. I go to stand up but he pulls me back to him kissing me once again, I let him take over as it gets heated but we don't push the moment further. Standing up he stretches in his boxers, I raise a eyebrow slightly.

"Better get use to it" he walks and chuckles, I stood slowly and walked inside after him. "Oh yea my mom and my Nanna are coming over today to finally meet you" he eats a apple as he walks towards the stairs, I stand there.

"Are you sure they are going to like me?" I ask not caring wether they did or not but it would be nice to know, roman looks back at me.

"If they see the girl that stole my heart and see how she did Im sure they will love you" he walks up the stairs, I follow to get ready for the day ahead.

(Few hours later)

I sat in the living room, the doorbell had rang and roman had went and got it.

"So where is she Ro-Ro" I heard a voice but I couldn't keep myself from smiling to myself Ro-Ro I will have to call him that.

"In here Nanna" he walks in with a woman with the same tan skin, her once black hair in a bun on her head. The other also tan skin but still had some black hair and was cut shorter then Romans, I stand up.

"Oh please don't stand for us dear" the one I guessed was Roman's Nanna "so your the one my grandson kept saying so much about" she takes my hands in her shaky ones and smiles with a bright smile.

"I guess that would be me" I smile, this was really not my thing but I knew I had to so I could truly be with roman.

"I'm Valentin but you dear can call me Nanna" she sits down on the couch and brought me down as well.

"Mama this is Nova"roman lets his mother sit beside me as he sits by his Nanna.

"So I have heard" she looks at me, I look at her then at my ring not liking people stair at me.

"So lets get to talking how is roman treating you I hope with the utter most respect" Nanna shakes a finger at him, my lips pull into a smile.

"He has he is all a girl could want, you have raised a great son" I look at his mother, it kind of stabs me in the heart that my own mother couldn't be here.

"Now about this baby, have you picked out names?" His mother asked, I look up.

"Yes Brett Ann Reigns if it is a girl in memory of Nova mother..."roman starts to speak but His lol stops him.

"In memory?" She asked questionably, I nod some.

"My mom died when I was young, her name was Brett and my middle name is Ann" I smile some but jump when I am pulled into a pair of arms.

"That is awful child" his mom holds me close, I look at roman with wide eyes he shrugged. I finally pull away, I shake my head.

"No it's fine, I have moved on" I sit up straight, my eyes drying up their tears before they could fall.

"Well you can call me mom" she puts her hands on mine and smiles kindly, my heart lunges and I smile.

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