A Vacation week

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I watched her sleep, I had just got out of the hospital and entered her room not to long ago. Bruises mark her body making me grit my teeth, this could have been avoided. I wrap my arms around her soft skin and kisses her neck gently, nova stirs in her sleep a little and words mumble from her lips.

"Roman?" She turned and faced me, she wasn't awake as nova nuzzles her face into my chest. I move her black hair from her face and watch her face for a little till I felt my eyes grow heavy, she finally opens her eyes and they meet mine. A small smile brightens her face, she kisses my jawline softly.

"Your here" nova whispered softly against my skin, I trace her hip line.

"Of course I am" I mumble softly and kisses her softly, my lip had been busted open by randy. I feel a tear drop onto my cheek and I look at her confused at why she is crying, I seen something in her eye.

"What is wrong Baby girl?" I brush them away as she sits up, nova shook her head.

"This is all my fault, he isn't going to let us be happy roman" she choked out through tears, I sit up and wrap my arms around her.

"Don't say that, once I beat his ass down I will sweep you from your feet and we can" I thought deeply and smirked "we can fly away together" this gets her to laugh a little.

"Your such a dreamer roman" she whispers and leans against my chest, I smile softly and kissed her neck.

"I don't need to dream I got all I want already" I whisper into her ear.

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"I don't need to dream I got all I want already" he whispers into my ear making me smile, he had this way about him to ease my problems away.

"Is that so" I mumble, roman rocks me a little in his strong embrace.

"It is so" I put my hands over his, I look at him.

"Lets take a vacation week" I whisper to him, he makes a face as to agree with me.

"And where shall we go?" He questioned me, I hummed and thought deeply.

"Lets go! oh let's go camping! " my eyes widen and I look at him, roman raises a eyebrow.

"Camping? I never thought of you as a camper" he teased and I lightly smack his hand and laughed a little.

"Of course I do, and you can meet my brothers and you can invite friends or family" I get up fast, I had forgotten I was only in a training bra and shorts.

"Th-that sounds nice" I turned to him and realized it, and I blush even after our first time I still blush.

"I know it does" I smile a little, I hadn't told roman that my brother John was alive yet and this would be a perfect time to do it while camping.

"You know what else sounds nice baby girl?" I turned to him again and tilted my head.

"And what's that? Reigns" I watched him stand and take my hand, he leads me towards the bathroom.

"A nice hot shower" he whispered as he pulls me into the room, turning the water on. He pulls his clothes off as I follow his lead, helping me into the shower and followed me in. Roman wraps a arm around my waist so lightly not wanting to hurt me. I leaned into his touch, letting the hot water rinse my stress away. I feel his lips press against my neck making me shiver and blush, I turn and plant kisses on his chest.

"I love you baby girl" roman whispers against my lips now, I smile some I loved when he told me he loved me.

"I love you to" I kiss his lips, Roman moved his lips with mine as he grabbed the soap. He put it on a wash rag and started to run in against my skin making sure he was gentle even though I still slightly winced. I leaned against his chest as he washes my back, I listened to his heart beat closing my eyes slowly. He really knew how to take care of a girl, after Roman was done I washed his body for him and we ended up laughing and talking for a while. Till I looked into his eyes as his blue eyes met mine, he brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed me. I move my lips against his as he wraps his arms around my body pulling me closer to his making me blush a slight pink. he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he turned the water off and carried me to the bed, laying me down as our kiss becomes intense. Our bodies steaming from the shower, his lips traveled my body making my want him. I giggle a little when he kisses me stomach, he chuckles some.

"Ro-roman that tickles!" I squirm a little, roman chuckles more and pulls up and kisses me. I slip from him and straddled his lap, and smirked at him. Roman puts his hands on my hips looking up into my eyes.

" your so beautiful" he whispers, I smile and blush a little. Leaning down I kiss his lips.

"I never get tired of you saying that" I mumble as he flips us both, his strong arms holding my body close to him. I could feel the heat coming from his body as drops of water splash against my skin, we lock lips in a passionate kiss. Pleasure fills my body as he goes into me, his lips move to my neck as I wrap a arm around his neck and lightly drag my nails down his back getting a deep groan from him. My cheeks burn with heat as I move my hips with his to match roman, his hands warm against my hips.

"Ro-roman" I gasp slightly as he tenderly sucks on my sweet spot on my neck, his lips turn to a small smirk. Roman takes things slowly as his body mends with mine, I kiss his shoulder as my breaths come out short.

"Baby girl" Roman's voice deep and husky sounding making my body shiver, I arch my back he lifts me up and lays back. I place my hands on his tan chest, his lips meet my neck again making me smile. I rock my hips slowly wanting this moment to last as long as it could, his hands snake around my waist pulling my body closer to his.

"Roman!"I moan softly as he trails his hands to my back.

" nova" he whispers deeply and boom! we fall into each other breathing heavy, his hands trace the ugly scar on my back the silence breaks.

"How did you get this scar?" Roman whispers in my ear, I lay my head on his chest his voice rattles against my cheek.

"I was cut with barb wire in middle school, believe it or not I was bullied and this guy was chasing me and I uh tripped and got tangled in barb wire" he tenses up a little as I told the story " the guy caught me and I struggled to get out but he tightened the wire against my back and Seth was my only friend back than and he found me" I grit my teeth at Seth's name " but I had to get stitches" I lift my head up and look into Roman's eyes, his blue eyes hard to read.

"Barb wire..." He looked at me, I nod some.

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