Valentine's Horror

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I sat in class and listened to the girls talk about who in the night they were giving chocolate, that is how bored I'm.

"Everyone is so excited," Yori said in a slightly emotionless tone.

Then she and yuki got into a discussion on the topic of Valentine's day, joy. Every year we have to deal with this and to make things worst for me, I have a fan club. I hate it, both the day and night class boys had probably have shrines of me in they closets or something.

"Hey Sakura, are you giving chocolate to any one?" I heard the room go silent. everyone turned towards me and waited.

"*sigh* I don't know Yuki, maybe?"

"I hope you're not giving any to the night class," I heard Zero said besides me.

"The only person I'd might get chocolates in the night class is Ruka," I said turning to my notebook and started writing.

"Are you a lesbian, Sakura?" one of my fanboys asked.

A tick mark appeared on my forehead, "No, we are good friends and we do this every Valentine's day because it's the same day we became friends." I explained trying not to chuck something at them.

"What a releif to hear that," another boy said and severly more boys nodded their heads.

It going to be a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggg Valentine's day.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yuki, Zero, and I now stood in the headmaster's office to hear the usual lecture of valentine's day. I never paid attention because I don't give a sh**. Then the headmaster started complement the night class in front of Zero, I swear this wants to get killed by Zero.

Yuki decided to breakthe the tension and giving us her coupons, again.

"You know Yuki..." I started.

"You have been giving us the something since gradeschool." Zero finish for me. We came be siblings for all we know.

Then she dragged us out of the office and we walked to class.

To be honest there is one thing I know that Yuki doesn't. I know that Zero is an ex-human, he told what happened went he came to the headmaster's. We were the same age so he feel like he could trust me more. Since then, Zero always stayed by my side, as if I was the world to him. and it's also why I secretly HATE Kaname.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yuki was holding off the fangirls, as Zero and I were being confronted by our fans.

Ruka's POV: (OMFG)

I watched as Sakura was surrounded by her fanboys, I really felt bad for her. She pulls up with Aido and the rest of us, she needs a break. That gave me an idea, maybe if I get Lord Kaname's and the headmaster approval, Sakura and I could go into town and hangout like we use to.

Just then Lord Kaname came down, I should ask him now.

"Lord Kaname, may I ask you something?" I asked softly.

"What is it, Ruka?"

"I was wondering if, with your's and the headmaster's permission, Sakura and I could go into town the day after Valentine's day. I think she needs a break from all her duties," I explained.

He put a hand on his chin and a studious look crossed his face. "I don't see why not, Imean you two are best friends, I'll ask the headmaster later tonight. You must inform Sakura and tell the answer tomorrow, Is that alright, Ruka?"

"Yes it is. Thank you, Lord Kaname."I replied bowing in respected.

"Good," he then looked at the clock. "Well, shall we go?"

Then we all followed Lord Kaname outside and into the horde of fangirls.

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