Transfer Student and She's Messed Up, What The F***!!!!!

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We were at the night class gates and the girls were more excited than usual, al because of a stupid dance.

Suddenly, Yuki was dragged away by the fangirls. I looked at Zero and asked, "You or me?"

"You," he said before walking away.

I scared off all the fangirls and open the entrance the building, seeing Aido was holding Yuki's wrist.

"Oh... Aido," I said raising a fist to punch. But, instead of punching him, black lighting shot out of my hand and hit him across the room. (look at pic for her lighting)

"HOLY SH**!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.

Everyone looked shocked (no pun intended), but Kaname smiled. "It seems your powers are awakening, Sakura," Kaname walking up the stairs.

I looked at my hands and shook it off, "Come on Yuki." I grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the main hallway.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by Maria's cuteness (Maria: Thank you so much, Crystal-sama. Crystal: Ahhh... Glad your happy, Maria-chan)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat on one of the couchs in the headmaster's office, Yuki was complaining about zero going on a hunt and the headmaster explained that he was born a hunter.

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke my train of thought. The door opened to reveal a teenage vampire in a night class uniform. She had gray hair and light purple eyes. "Umm... Good evening," she greeted us.

I stood from my seat, "Uhhh... A night class student?" Yuki asked shocked.

"Please meet Marria Kurenai. Good evening Maria, I'd like you to meet my daughters Yuki and Sakura," the headmaster introduced us.

"Good evening," Yuki said with a bow.

"She looks so tasty and so healthy," maria muttered aloud.

I was about to put out my gun when the headmaster ran over to her saying it's taboo at the academy to talk about drinking blood.

Something about her gave me than off feeling, like I knew her. Maria apologied to Yuki and then looked in my direction, her eyes widened. She was suddenly hugging me, "It a great pleasure to meet you, Lady Sakura," Maria screamed in great joy.

My eyes widened, "Why did you call me that?" I asked nervously.

She released me and smiled, "You are the queen of vampires, right? I could feel it your presence the moment a stepped on the grounds."

I narrowed my eyes, "Yuki, you'll be showing her around," I said walking out of the quickly before anyone could stop me.

I NEED TO WARN ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I found Zero leaning on a tree not too far from main building, but Yuki got to him first.

"Hey guys," I said walking to them.

"Hey Kura," Zero said looking at me, lovely.

My cheeks heated up, he gave me that nickname the second day he started living with us. I smiled and pecked his cheek as my cheeks cooled down. His smile grew, but it fainted when maria walked up to us.

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