Surprise Visit and ANOTHER LEVEL E B****, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!

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I was summoned to the headmaster's office, it was too early to deal with his sh**. I opened the door and said, "What the H*** did you call me for headmaster? I get a day off and yet you call me to do some sh** for you."

"Sakura, this is important. I need you to deliver these files to Kaname," the headmaster said in a plain tone.

My eyes widened, after last night I don't think it's a good idea for me to be near Kaname. "Ahhhh... headmaster I don't think that's a good idea," I said asrubbing my wrist, nervously.


"We... Got into an argument last night," I said looking at the window.

"Well, this gives another reason why you should deliver these files," he said handing me the files.

"But, headmaster is was a very heated argument," I whined trying to avoid the night dorm.

"To bad, out you go," the headmaster said shoving me out the door.

Before I could protest, he slammed the door in my face and I heard a small click.

Great, I thought to myself as walk to the entrance of the night dorm.

"We have nothing to fear. I understand the Senate is powerful, they are the highest government body in our society and demand our respect. But in the end, they're not the ones who rule us," I heard Ruka say through the door.

"I know that's ture, but still I just... I don't want him to come here and disturb the peace... for Kaname sake too," I heard Takuma say.

I opened the door and asked, "Who would be disturbing the peace?"

"Sakura!!!!" the group screamed.

"Hey, guys. But, anyway, who?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Ichio is coming here tonight," kain said looking at the coffee table.

"Really? Well, I guess I should stay to maintain the peace," I looking at Takuma.

"PLEASE, I BEGGING YOU!!!!!!!!!" Takuma said as he clung to my leg.

"Guys, a little help," I said trying get Takuma off my leg.

Kain, Aido, and Senri got him off and sat him on the couch."Sorry, but you are the one person my grandfather is afraid of, Sakura," Takuma explained.

"Okay, hey you guys know if Kaname's awake, I need to-" I started, but saw the grim expression on their faces.

"Lord Kaname as locked himself in his room," Rima told me.

"I'll handle it," I said before walking up the stairs. I shook my head, his behavior must be about last night. I got to his door and knocked.

"Kaname, it's Sakura," that was all I needed before I heard a click and the door opened a crack.

"Come in," Kaname said with a sadden tone.

I pushed the door open and closed it behide me, I have no chioce. "Kaname, did you lock yourself away because of last night?" I asked.

He did answer, so I sat on the coffee table, the side closest in front him. "I'll take that as a yes," I said setting the files down and crossing my legs.

"Look Kaname, I'm sorry for last night. I was in a bad mood and I took it out on you," I lied. I meant every words last night.

He still didn't reply, his arm covered his eyes and he kept quiet.

"Fine, I'll lea-" Suddenly Kanme grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest.

"Sakura... I wasn't angry with you, I was just... Upset with myself. I shouldn't have siad those things at all, can you forgive me?" Kaname asks as his grip on me tighten.

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