Transfer Or Request

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Zero and I stared at each other for a good five minutes, neither of us looked away. Then Zero looked at Yuki, "Yuki, I'm sorry," he said as he took a step forwards. I took a step back and pulled Yuki back as well, she was in shock.

"Zero, don't," I said aiming the gun barrel at his chest.

"Sakura," Zero said in a slightly shocked as he looked at me.

"Sakura... Yuki..." A familiar voice said from the lower staircase.

"Kaname," Yuki said quietly.

"You had been reduced to a blood thristy beast, Zzero Kiryu," Kaname said as he pulled Yuki and I behind himself.

Suddenly, Yuki ran in front of Kaname to stop him. "Kaname, don't..." Yuki screamed, but then passed out. I quickly caught her before she could make contact with the floor.

"Yuki! Yuki!" I shout at her unconscious form.

Kaname then gently took Yuki out of my arms and said, "You devoured her mercilessly, didn't you Zero? So much that she can't even stand up. How was... Yuki's blood? Was it delicious?"

"Kaname, that's enough! Don't push it!" I yelled at him. He looked at me, his eyes widened a bit. He then looked away and walked down the stairs with Yuki. I saw the headmaster, he looked at me, and nodded his head.

"Sorry about this Zero," I said as turned back towards him.

"What do you mea-" before he could finish I gave him a pistol whip upside his temple. He fall to the floor and I pulled his arm over my shoulder.

"Come on, Zero. Time to get you back to your dorm," I said as if he was awake.

I finally get to his dorm room and gently set him down on his bed. I kneeled beside him and grabbed his hand in both of mine. "I'm so sorry, Zero. I promise if I find a way to turn you back, I will do it," I said as I kiss the corner of his lips.

I stood up and walked out of his room. Now I have to deal with a certain Pureblood Idiot.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip bought to you by Yagari's anger management classes (Yagari: CRYSTAL!!!!!!! DO YOU TELL THE READERS ABOUT MY ANGER MANAGEMENT CLASSES!!!!!!!!!!! Crystal: Sh**, I forgot I'm not supposed to tell you! Well, I gotta run! ---Crystal runs off to who knows where--- Yagari: CRYSTAL!!!!!!!! ---Yagari runs after her--- Shizuka: *giggles* That silly little girl. On with the story)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked to the night class's classroom and opened the door. Everyone turned to my direction, "Sakura, is something wrong?" one of my night class fanboys asked. I ignored the question and walked straight to Kaname.

He stood up from he seat and looked at me, with confusion in his eyes. "Sakura, what's th-" Kaname started, until I cut him off by back handing him.

Everyone, even the teacher, gasped at my action and they don't know I'm not close to done. I took out Death's Tear and aimed the barrel at his left temple. No one made a move to stop me, even the Senate members were afraid of me.

"Sakura, what are you doing?!?!" I heard Ruka ask me.

"If you ever say anything like that or say somthing about Zero again, a bullet with be in your head," I said with a venomous tone. I moved my gun away from his head and walked out the door.

Kaname's P.OV:

As she walked out of the class, I put a hand to my now red cheek. Why? Why is it always Zero? Why does she hate me so much, when I... Then suddenly, all the windows in the classroom shattered, I guess I lose control over my emotions.

"Lord Kaname, should we-" Aido started.

"No, it's okay. She has a right to be angry with me. I said I shouldn't have, I earned this slap," I said as I sat back down.

Why Sakura, why?

The next day

Sakura's POV:

Class was boring as always, but Zero it was pure Hell. I took notes and sat quietly when we had to wait for the next teacher to came.

"Cross! Where are you going?! Hey!" The teacher's voice woke me up. I saw Yuki running out of class. What is she doing?

"Mr. Yoko, I get her," I said getting out of my seat.

"Please, hurry Sakura," Mr. Yoko said.

I nodded my head and ran out of the classroom. If I know Yuki, there is only one place to check.

~~~~~~~~~~~time skip bought to you by- (Yagari: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, CRYSTAL!!!!!! Crystal: Sh**)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

As I opened the doors to the night class dorm, I saw Yuki's foot frozen to the ground and Aido talking to her.

"Aido, stop it! That's enough!" Yuki screamed as she raised a hand to slap him.

Suddenly she was stopped, "Please stop, Yuki," an all too familiar voice said in a gentle manner(sp?).

"Kaname," Yuki said as she blushed. The ice had disappeared and Aido looked scared.

~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

'I can't ignore that you got bitten by someone else,' THAT BA*****!!!!!!! As yuki runs out of the dorm, it was my turn to talk to him.

"You're an Idiot, Kuran," I said stepping out of the shadows.

He turned in my direction and smiled. "You have a great amount of courage to come here, Sakura. Especially after last night," Kaname said as he put a hand on the cheek I slapped.

"You know that you took it too far," I said carelessly.

"Maybe you're right?" He stated as he walked up the stairs. "Come with me, Sakura," Kaname once he reached the top of th stairs.

I followed after him, silently as we walked towards his room. He opened the door for me, we walked in, and closed the door. I heard a small click, he locked me in here with him.

"Sakura, I worry about you," Kaname said now sitting on his loveseat.

"Why? You know I can take care of myself and the headmaster, since he can't," I said folding my arms across my chest.

He chuckled and said, "Ture, But not my point. I'm worried that you're hanging around Zero too much. He will ruin your innocence."


"Remember, Kuran, I can kill without dealing with the Senate," I said ready to pull out my Sakura Blade.

"Sakura, I just-" he started.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his face closer to mine. "Look here, Kuran. If you put Zero in the night class, so help me, I'll come back here and beat your a** into the ground," I said in pure anger and annyance.

"See what I mean," he said sadly.

"What will it take?!?!?!" I screamed at him.

He stayed quiet, I let go of his collar and kicked the open by braeking the lock. "I mean it, Kaname. If Zero get put in the night class I will hate you," I as walking out of the room. Leaving him to think.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watch Yuki and Zero from afar and to be honest, I was jealous of yuki right now. But I knew I could never be anger with her. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw I wasn't the only watching the sence play out.

"Zero, I promise," I said as I walked away with the wind blowing my hair behind me.

Tell me what you like or opinions if any in the comments.

Thanks guys, Crystal :) <3

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