Day Dreaming

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You woke up in the darkness, The feeling of a sudden drop made you sweat and your heart race. You sit up trying to look around to find anything but all you could see was complete darkness that seemed to want to consume you.
You said as a you felt a cold clim up your spine, Suddenly as if the your voice was heard a flash of light appeared that soon consumed your sight. You winced at the brightness and shut your eyes, only opening them after a warm feeling embrace your body.
You turned at the sound of your name seeing no one and nothing. Realizing that you were in a field of grass a mid summer day.The wind ran throughout your hair as you smelled the brease.
"Where am I? Who are you?"
You said as you took a step forward, looking for any living existence. The voice chuckled in response.
"Well I guess you wouldn't remember me."
You looked around confused until you met you eyes with a woman's figure standing at a distance across from you. Her back turned facing you, She had long locks of dark hair that shown a beautiful golden color in the sunlight. Her dress swayed as it bathed in the sun. She felt familiar, as if you knew each other for a long time even though you had just met, you felt a weird connection.
"Where am I?? How did you get into my mind-"
"I'm no one you need to fear, I'm just here to guide you, my dear."
The woman smiled and started to walk, pointing to the distance forest that laid up ahead.
"Come, it's time you learned of your past."
You followed,heading into the forest.Every detail from the moss on the trees, to the feel of the scraps on them were familiar to you and gave you a sense of familiarity. It wasn't until you heard giggling from behind you, that you stopped and turned to see four kids running towards you. you flinched thinking they would run into you but instead the children ran through you, as if you were a ghost.
"W-WHAT the hell??"
The woman chuckled again signaling to follow them. Sprinting to keep up with the kids as they jogged throughout the trees, turning into pups as they starting to run. Each turn signaled a years worth of growth for the children 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4. Growing from mere three year olds to free spirited seven year olds until they turned another corner around a tree and this time disappeared, leaving only their distant giggles behind. Breathlessly you catch up, stopping as soon as no one was now in sight.
"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me! Where is everyone? HELLO?"
You turned paranoid at the sound of giggles surrounded you, making you want to cover your ears as you fell to your knees in pain.
"Ow m-my head"
The sharp pain hit you like their was no tomorrow. Making you wince in pain and look around desperately for help. The scenery dissipated as a dark void consumed it. Soon you knelt their again in the pit of black as you looked around noticing mirrors hanging with nothing keeping them up, walking towards them cautiously and looked in one.
"*Laughing* Ares!"
The mirror was clear as day but what was shown was as blurry as mist to you, not knowing why you continued looking through.
"*Giggle* D-"
As if fate said otherwise, the images faded from the mirror, gasping you turn to the next mirror hoping,praying for answers.The scene continued.
"My beloved girl, Born with such a talent. The amount of burden that I must soon put on you."
A man with warm silver eyes and shining light blond hair greeted a young black haired girl. Taking her in his arms as if she meant the world to him.
"Soon you will have to be a big girl, alright?"
The little girl laughed not understanding completely the meaning of his words.Just like the last mirror the image faded.Not wanting to stop looking you scurried to the next mirror only to find that it too had no image.You ran to the next one and the one after that, frantically you ran to as many mirrors that you could.
"Why why why why WHY, I want to know!!"
Tears falling from your eyes, desperately trying to search.You paused as the mirrors faded one by one, A sudden pain in your head made your vision spin.
"Ares wake up.."
Everything around up faded as you suddenly fall.
"ARES,Wake up!!"

Eros: The werewolf Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now